Luke Farmboy Cardback Collection...Update 7/7/14, New Pics


Grand Master
Jan 31, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
Just thought I might do a separate post for small Farmboy Cardback Collection. Hopefully I will add a couple more 'Offer' and Foreign cards over time. Enjoy.

12 Back cards

Palitoy 12 Back

Clipper 12 Back

Canadian Kenner 12 Back
Thanks for the comments lads, I'm happy with the way it's building alright.

Always looking to pick up cardbacks so if anyone is selling :wink:
Cool Jeff,

Whats tricky to find?

I understand that some will be impossible like SW Meccano etc..

But what about Kenner 20b?
Yeah some of the foreign cards are tricky/pricey :( it's just so hard to keep forking out big money for some cardbacks when you can get a mint loose figure for less?

Working on the meccano card. Have seen the Takara that's available but that's an example of what I'm saying above. It's just hard to pull the trigger on the more pricey cards.

Not sure to honest which cards are hard to find. Don't know about the Kenner 20b. Must do a bit of digging on them.

Do you have any cards 8)

Cheers mate
Dublinjeff said:
Group shot of the cards to date

They look really nice together, thinking of doing that with my foreign cardbacks focus when I have some more Kenners.

Very jealous of that 12 back clipper.


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