I'm going to JAIL!


Grand Master
Sep 16, 2011
South Wales
Ok- never said don't buy from him- he has tons of great pieces. Good luck.

But I'm not being threatened all day behind closed doors.

Nothing to gain/hide.


Apr 3, 2014
Grant_C said:
Ok- never said don't buy from him- he has tons of great pieces. Good luck.

But I'm not being threatened all day behind closed doors.

Nothing to gain/hide.

I dont think you have done anything wrong either. As i said Snake eyes would have been better off focusing on his sales rather than make petty threats.


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2014
Maximum respect Grant.

I have bought from action force before on ebay but wont be anymore. Those responses are nothing but pure arrogance. Cock.


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
They'll be loads of folk reading this who have been long time readers/watchers or fresh members/non members who may have joined since the Podcast began.
Please don't let this car crash put you off. If anything it demonstrates the helping culture of this forum and the protection it provides for both long term and new members (the community at large).
I like the used car analogy.
I know that we as a community welcome folk from every corner of the globe. If you haven't done so yet, Sign up join in. Mistakes happen, but keep your powder dry and all will be cool.
Well done Grant. Well done SWFUK


Sith Lord
Feb 15, 2014
All joking aside, trying to intimidate Grant like this a ****ing low and unfortunately Andy you'll struggle to ever live this down with us.

As someone who has bought from you in the past (thankfully not a Toni) I can say I was happy with the figure and the service but this today is just wrong.

My nomination for prick of the year 2014


Jedi Master
Feb 13, 2012
The north
Grant_C said:
I have been advised to post all of these messages for absolute transparency.

And comic value?

Grant, Mr P and everyone else involved in bringing the TT scandal to light On this forum and to the people selling them keep up the good work your complete legends in my eyes. This guy is a total ball bag and I will never buy from Action Force toys again solely based on his own actions.


New member
Nov 11, 2014
I am a customer of Action Force Toys and I can see exactly where Andy is coming from with this

There are blatant deformatory school yard tactics being used against action force toys and Andy .

Andy is well within his rights to speak to you, this is not in any case classed as bullying? It seems he has asked to speak to you privately to settle this argument which is understandable.

Instead you choose to revert back to your child like school yard slander between you and your friends

Now I know Andy and know that he will not have time to get involved in lengthy debates on forums and doubt he will even get involved in an argument where the person hides behind a forum and his friends, so doubt you will see him reply to this bullshit thread.

Now let me explain something, first to refresh you memory in deformation

The plantif (andy)

Has to prove

A) that the statement is deformatory and referes to him (it is and it does)

B) there is publication of the statement

I refer to gatley and libel on slander (10th ed) at para.2.1

Now I could write all day on why andy has a perfect case but I'm tired and have a lot more to do than you guys judging by the time you have spent on this thread !!

Andy will be getting a phone call of support from myself.

I bid you good night boys, play safe


Dec 19, 2009
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wasnt even going to post a reply to this, but somebody (one of my customers) has made me aware of yet more insulting bullshit coming from a minority of people and feel the need to put a reply to some of the nonsense you are writing. This is the only post I will put up about this as I have not got time to argue with 20 of Grants friends and Grant on a forum. First thing I want to get straight is how the hell am I now a bully as I have requested a phone call? I have requested a phone call as I run several businesses and have not got time to sit on here all day arguing with 20 people on my own. Anybody who is an adult wouldnt have a problem doing that, if somebody is hurling abuse at you then why can they only do it via a forum with an audience of friends. Reason being you are not man Grant you are a little kid. Some people on here really need to grow up. As far as I know I could be arguing with a robot, as the user Grant has no voice, no name or contact details, so I am now refusing to get into a forum debate with somebody who doesnt actually exist in my eyes......And for that fact just how am I going to take somebody to court who will not provide a name, address, email, or phone number? Asked quite a few people on the forum who know Grants identity but will not provide it, nor will the forum. You want to get this show on the road Grant, then drop us some details.

You are like a bunch of hyenas on here, that is why I do not use forums, and many people I know do not. I have counted the amount of emails off forum members and some of my customers backing me up on this. So far it totals 116 emails of support. Many more than are supporting you on this thread Grant. Some very well respected people in your community have said how out of order you lot are, I promised I would keep them anon as they did not want to be identified. Infact around 20 of my customers have said they wanted to get involved in the thread and argue and I have told them not to, theres just no point arguing with you lot its pointless and I do not want them to waste their precious time. I also do not need "a community of friends" to back me up unlike Grant. It made me laugh when somebody put I have turned 2000 collectors against me because of this argument quite funny that. So far I have counted around 20 sad little house husbands who have commented, the majority of those do not even collect and are all Grants forum buddies. I tell you what Grant I will send you a link to my facebook page and lets have an argument on there with 5000 of my friends and see how you like getting character assassinated. Thing is on here, you dont like people who are not part of your community coming on. I have spoken to a guy I know called Ben this morning who is from Stockport, he has posted a comment on this thread supporting me basically and it has not been approved. Surprise surprise! That is because you just like a one sided argument and wouldnt let anybody who supports the other side of the argument have an input, so just what is the point?

You actually think this thread will do anything damaging to my business do you? A guy who knows you Grant and is a close friend of yours was buying cases from the store last night, he has been dealing with me since 2010 and knows the service he gets, he has seen this thread and advised me to ignore it and that you think before you speak which I can fully believe!. Again he didnt want to get invovled and I appreciate that. You or this forum has not put him off buying. The stuff I sell is bespoke stock and I have a database of 5000 loyal customers, far more customers that come on this forum. All of them buy regular from me, all of them get a great service (check out my ebay feedback 100% positive all 5 star). The stuff I sell is bespoke made so if people dont want to get it from me they can go elsewhere and get charged much more and pay more shipping from America. My customers are all I care about, you and 20 of your silly little friends do not interest me. Funny thing is the tiny handful of people who say they will not buy from me will prob be putting orders through next week. If they do they will be getting a refund and getting banned from my shop.

Going back to the toy toni thing, the messages you posted from ebay prove what I said. At the time I had a conversation with toy toni and he clearly said it was a load of rubbish and he was speaking to his solicitor and suing the parties involved. That for me was good enough. The stories were rubbish as far as I was concerned. I have known Tony for a while and really thought he was genuine. Thats it. No need for all the abuse and slander (or liable as you pointed out which is essentially the same thing!). As soon as it got more serious, we changed the listings. Again I will point out I was in China for 2 months on a business trip with no internet access when the BBC investigation started. As soon as the BBC confirmed it was almost without doubt we changed the listings. I helped the BBC into their investigation TBH, gave him some very useful info and he was very greatful. He even asked me to do a TV interview which I naturally declined.

Another observation I have made, which is why I do not come on forums is that none of the serious buyers get involved in these silly threads posted by the bored house husbands of the forum. Infact all the serious buyers I know do not go on any forums as a lot of the people who are on them are not normal! I just dont know where you lot get the time to post on here daily. Do you not work, do you not have a partner, are you lonely? I myself cant find time to go to sleep I am that busy nevermind involve myself with forum threads daily.

The reason I never posted any photos or invited chat on the forum about my collection was that I was scared of getting abuse from people on here, that was part of the reason I asked people to email me and call me direct (does that make me a bully now as well because I have asked people to contact me via a TELEPHONE!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) I also hate the functionality of the site and tried to upload pics and it wouldnt let me, and the last reason was I didnt want to get my time wasted getting involved in a thread like this. How wright I was proved to do it the way I did.

This is my last post on this elite community page I am glad to say, what a waste of my time it has been. God just to think I only wanted to sell some stuff. Out of the people who have actually bought all my thirty backs and the rest of the stuff so far, have a guess what? Not one has been through the forum. What does that tell you? For all the time I have wasted I should have just stuck to my contacts and ebay. Far safer than coming on here. I would rather go to Afghanistan than come on here its much safer there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was also quite amusing to see that it really made some peoples day that I was having to sell up. Well let me disappoint you! I am basically selling up for a very big business venture which will make me a very rich person in around 12-24 months. I need as much funding as possible so am liquidating my stock. The reason I am selling up is that I have another collector in the USA who has everything I have minus 3 pieces which I am keeping. He has agreed to sell me his collection in a year or so, basically whenever I am ready. All of his collection is AFA graded 85 plus, he has been collecting 20 years. The price has been agreed so as soon as I turn my investment round I will be back I am afraid...sorry to piss you off with that one Lee Gregory

Oh speaking of Lee Gregory, he doesnt like me as he is basically a conman. I messed up his little plan of deceiving a German guy who came to him on the forum for help and advice. You all make me laugh stood on your moral high ground, making out you are a community who helps and cares for fellow collectors when you are blatantly bent as ****. This guy asked Lee what a 30 back Fett was worth. He then deceived the guy and told him little more than a few hundred quid (WTF I couldnt live with myself!!) He then listed it on ebay for Lee to buy for around 300 quid. I noticed it and offered a grand, and eventually went upto 2000, which is much more fair price for the seller. Lee had not paid for it so he said I could have it, then ended up just relisting it anyway and got around 3000 for it on ebay. This is why Lee Gregory dislikes me and felt the need to comment on the sales thread. I still speak to the German guy who hates Lee, he has told him what a twat he thinks he is, and has all the emails between them which shows how Lee tried to con this guy, its a low thing to do that Lee shame on you, you disgrace your fellow Jedi doing such a thing.

Ok well thats me done, will deactivate my account now (thank god!) will get one of the jedi council to action it. As I said Grant I do not need to hide behind a forum. If you manage to get a set of balls and and be an adult about things instead of a little kid, my number is 07775330092 or if you do not have a voice [email protected]. I dont need to hide. And for that fact any other half wit who has insulted me on this thread feel free to do it without your little mates backing you up. FYI last time I was on here and 20 of you ganged up on me I did call some of you nerds and that is exactly what some of you are. Nerds who sit behind a pc 24 hours a day watching porn and star wars films on repeat.

Now put what you want after this post I really do not give a toss, as I will not see any replies or have an account. Thanks for your help and support guys dont know what I would have done without it. Bye


Jul 13, 2012
You really are a Dbag, your last post does you no favors and only cements the fact that you are only after the monetary value,
which is fine, but that is what ebay is for, here and other forums things work differentlly, you post pics of the item your selling with a price affixed to the items your selling. Insulting everyone the way you have, shows your true colors, and really poor form. If you hate forums so much, why do try to sell your goods on them. No need to carry on the way you do.


Sith Lord
Feb 15, 2014
He's gone mate. All that's left is his final post to act as a lasting monument for an absolute dick.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
I've always wanted to be a house husband, whats wrong with that? It's funny how he had time to write more on 1 post than everyone else did on the whole thread. :lol:


Sith Lord
Feb 15, 2014
Ben said:
I am a customer of Action Force Toys and I can see exactly where Andy is coming from with this

There are blatant deformatory school yard tactics being used against action force toys and Andy .

Andy is well within his rights to speak to you, this is not in any case classed as bullying? It seems he has asked to speak to you privately to settle this argument which is understandable.

Instead you choose to revert back to your child like school yard slander between you and your friends

Now I know Andy and know that he will not have time to get involved in lengthy debates on forums and doubt he will even get involved in an argument where the person hides behind a forum and his friends, so doubt you will see him reply to this bullshit thread.

Now let me explain something, first to refresh you memory in deformation

The plantif (andy)

Has to prove

A) that the statement is deformatory and referes to him (it is and it does)

B) there is publication of the statement

I refer to gatley and libel on slander (10th ed) at para.2.1

Now I could write all day on why andy has a perfect case but I'm tired and have a lot more to do than you guys judging by the time you have spent on this thread !!

Andy will be getting a phone call of support from myself.

I bid you good night boys, play safe

Lol, good night Andy.


Sith Lord
Jan 27, 2007
It's interesting that Andy claims to have an army of silent followers and one new poster who created an account
today who uses the same condescending tone and style as Andy, but just with loads more whitespace.

I dealt with a forum troll years ago who used the exact same tactics.



Sith Lord
Jan 1, 2014
Ben said:
The plantif (andy)

Is that the same as the Plaintiff?

I love it when these people come onto forums and spout legal terms then cannot even be bothered to check what the actual spelling is.



Jedi Master
Feb 13, 2012
The north
snakeeyes said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wasnt even going to post a reply to this, but somebody (one of my customers) has made me aware of yet more insulting bullshit coming from a minority of people and feel the need to put a reply to some of the nonsense you are writing. This is the only post I will put up about this as I have not got time to argue with 20 of Grants friends and Grant on a forum. First thing I want to get straight is how the hell am I now a bully as I have requested a phone call? I have requested a phone call as I run several businesses and have not got time to sit on here all day arguing with 20 people on my own. Anybody who is an adult wouldnt have a problem doing that, if somebody is hurling abuse at you then why can they only do it via a forum with an audience of friends. Reason being you are not man Grant you are a little kid. Some people on here really need to grow up. As far as I know I could be arguing with a robot, as the user Grant has no voice, no name or contact details, so I am now refusing to get into a forum debate with somebody who doesnt actually exist in my eyes......

You are like a bunch of hyenas on here, that is why I do not use forums, and many people I know do not. I have counted the amount of emails off forum members and some of my customers backing me up on this. So far it totals 116 emails of support. Many more than are supporting you on this thread Grant. Some very well respected people in your community have said how out of order you lot are, I promised I would keep them anon as they did not want to be identified. Infact around 20 of my customers have said they wanted to get involved in the thread and argue and I have told them not to, theres just no point arguing with you lot its pointless and I do not want them to waste their precious time. I also do not need "a community of friends" to back me up unlike Grant. It made me laugh when somebody put I have turned 2000 collectors against me because of this argument quite funny that. So far I have counted around 20 sad little house husbands who have commented, the majority of those do not even collect and are all Grants forum buddies. I tell you what Grant I will send you a link to my facebook page and lets have an argument on there with 5000 of my friends and see how you like getting character assassinated. Thing is on here, you dont like people who are not part of your community coming on. I have spoken to a guy I know called Ben this morning who is from Stockport, he has posted a comment on this thread supporting me basically and it has not been approved. Surprise surprise! That is because you just like a one sided argument and wouldnt let anybody who supports the other side of the argument have an input, so just what is the point?

You actually think this thread will do anything damaging to my business do you? A guy who knows you Grant and is a close friend of yours was buying cases from the store last night, he has been dealing with me since 2010 and knows the service he gets, he has seen this thread and advised me to ignore it and that you think before you speak which I can fully believe!. Again he didnt want to get invovled and I appreciate that. You or this forum has not put him off buying. The stuff I sell is bespoke stock and I have a database of 5000 loyal customers, far more customers that come on this forum. All of them buy regular from me, all of them get a great service (check out my ebay feedback 100% positive all 5 star). The stuff I sell is bespoke made so if people dont want to get it from me they can go elsewhere and get charged much more and pay more shipping from America. My customers are all I care about, you and 20 of your silly little friends do not interest me. Funny thing is the tiny handful of people who say they will not buy from me will prob be putting orders through next week. If they do they will be getting a refund and getting banned from my shop.

Going back to the toy toni thing, the messages you posted from ebay prove what I said. At the time I had a conversation with toy toni and he clearly said it was a load of rubbish and he was speaking to his solicitor and suing the parties involved. That for me was good enough. The stories were rubbish as far as I was concerned. I have known Tony for a while and really thought he was genuine. Thats it. No need for all the abuse and slander (or liable as you pointed out which is essentially the same thing!). As soon as it got more serious, we changed the listings. Again I will point out I was in China for 2 months on a business trip with no internet access when the BBC investigation started. As soon as the BBC confirmed it was almost without doubt we changed the listings. I helped the BBC into their investigation TBH, gave him some very useful info and he was very greatful. He even asked me to do a TV interview which I naturally declined.

Another observation I have made, which is why I do not come on forums is that none of the serious buyers get involved in these silly threads posted by the bored house husbands of the forum. Infact all the serious buyers I know do not go on any forums as a lot of the people who are on them are not normal! I just dont know where you lot get the time to post on here daily. Do you not work, do you not have a partner, are you lonely? I myself cant find time to go to sleep I am that busy nevermind involve myself with forum threads daily.

The reason I never posted any photos or invited chat on the forum about my collection was that I was scared of getting abuse from people on here, that was part of the reason I asked people to email me and call me direct (does that make me a bully now as well because I have asked people to contact me via a TELEPHONE!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) I also hate the functionality of the site and tried to upload pics and it wouldnt let me, and the last reason was I didnt want to get my time wasted getting involved in a thread like this. How wright I was proved to do it the way I did.

This is my last post on this elite community page I am glad to say, what a waste of my time it has been. God just to think I only wanted to sell some stuff. Out of the people who have actually bought all my thirty backs and the rest of the stuff so far, have a guess what? Not one has been through the forum. What does that tell you? For all the time I have wasted I should have just stuck to my contacts and ebay. Far safer than coming on here. I would rather go to Afghanistan than come on here its much safer there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was also quite amusing to see that it really made some peoples day that I was having to sell up. Well let me disappoint you! I am basically selling up for a very big business venture which will make me a very rich person in around 12-24 months. I need as much funding as possible so am liquidating my stock. The reason I am selling up is that I have another collector in the USA who has everything I have minus 3 pieces which I am keeping. He has agreed to sell me his collection in a year or so, basically whenever I am ready. All of his collection is AFA graded 85 plus, he has been collecting 20 years. The price has been agreed so as soon as I turn my investment round I will be back I am afraid...sorry to piss you off with that one Lee Gregory

Oh speaking of Lee Gregory, he doesnt like me as he is basically a conman. I messed up his little plan of deceiving a German guy who came to him on the forum for help and advice. You all make me laugh stood on your moral high ground, making out you are a community who helps and cares for fellow collectors when you are blatantly bent as ****. This guy asked Lee what a 30 back Fett was worth. He then deceived the guy and told him little more than a few hundred quid (WTF I couldnt live with myself!!) He then listed it on ebay for Lee to buy for around 300 quid. I noticed it and offered a grand, and eventually went upto 2000, which is much more fair price for the seller. Lee had not paid for it so he said I could have it, then ended up just relisting it anyway and got around 3000 for it on ebay. This is why Lee Gregory dislikes me and felt the need to comment on the sales thread. I still speak to the German guy who hates Lee, he has told him what a twat he thinks he is, and has all the emails between them which shows how Lee tried to con this guy, its a low thing to do that Lee shame on you, you disgrace your fellow Jedi doing such a thing.

Ok well thats me done, will deactivate my account now (thank god!) will get one of the jedi council to action it. As I said Grant I do not need to hide behind a forum. If you manage to get a set of balls and and be an adult about things instead of a little kid, or if you do not have a voice [email protected]. I dont need to hide. And for that fact any other half wit who has insulted me on this thread feel free to do it without your little mates backing you up. FYI last time I was on here and 20 of you ganged up on me I did call some of you nerds and that is exactly what some of you are. Nerds who sit behind a pc 24 hours a day watching porn and star wars films on repeat.

Now put what you want after this post I really do not give a toss, as I will not see any replies or have an account. Thanks for your help and support guys dont know what I would have done without it. Bye

Allow me to retort........"Bullshit"


Sith Lord
Sep 27, 2012
I had to show my son that post from snake eyes, his reaction...........

Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for 365 days.
Content in this thread may no longer be relevant.
Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.
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