Holy ****


Sith Lord
Mar 11, 2018
Seen this listing on ebay, now that is serious cash to shell out, lovely presentation i must say :D

Sundancer Squadron said:
looks wonderful, how much on average do those coins sell for these days?

Not really something that can be averaged, some are selling individually for $1000s on their own and others $25...
SAVORY100 said:
Sundancer Squadron said:
looks wonderful, how much on average do those coins sell for these days?

Not really something that can be averaged, some are selling individually for $1000s on their own and others $25...
According to the tracker just the 8 with individual pics have an average combined value of over £7500 and there are two sets so that's half of the 30k asking price with another 144 coins left including some of the big hitters like Anakin, Yak, AT-AT, Doids
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