figures and weapons i just found help needed please

Thanks again Michael :) excuse me if this is another stupid question :?
The Hoth backpacks should they also float? 2 weapons have sunk so I presume they are repro? I will also check that link you sent me to be sure.
So is the general rule of thumb for a starting point on everything is to do the float test first?
These my seen annoying or stupid questions but I am new to all this but willing to learn :D
No such thing as a daft question bud :wink:

The float test has always been pretty good in the past, but there are a lot of repros out there now that float as well

If you use the search function on the forum there are lots of posts on float test, and using the TIG guide helps.
If there are any you have doubts about take close up pics, and tge experts on here will chip in mate
Great help Michael i hope your in this for the long run! and the rest of the guys :D
This is some of the bits we need to go through!
As I said I have kept buying over the years and only now have started to go through it all. Fingers crossed we find a little gem or 2 :)
I got some of this out tonight to get a picture. The wife will crack up if she knows what I am at :lol: :lol:
yoda said:
This is another little bag of goodies I opened tonight :)
Are all of these weapons starwars I am not sure?

I know others have replied, but I thought I'd try and be more specific, and as was said, no question is a bad question, especially for someone eager to learn.

Two top items are Hoth backpacks. Don't know if they float, but they are not valuable at all and to the best of my knowledge have never been reproduced.

Directly below that is one of 2 skiff pikes in the pic (the other is pinched and bent). They go with Klaatu, Weequay, and Lando Skiff.

Dead centre, that small black piece I'm not 100% sure on, but looks to be the gun from a speeder bike.

To the left is not SW (the MOTU suggestions sounds about right though).

Far right is a rifle for Snowtrooper and Dengar.

Next to that rifle is the long rifle for Leia Boushh.

Left side is a broken rifle for Rebel Commando.

Just to the right of that is a rifle for 4-LOM (renamed Zuckuss in the modern era).

Last piece is a rifle for Luke Hoth/Rebel Commander.

yoda said:
Ok thanks Michael I have more coming :) I think I spot an A-Team gun in this picture am I correct?

Cape at the top is Han Trenchcoat.

To the left is the chestplate for 4-LOM.

Directly below the Han cape is a piece from the Millennium Falcon that holds the Jedi Training Ball. To the right of that is a belt that looks like Leia Endor. Luke Endor has a similar one.

Next to the A-Team rifle is a tool from the Vehicle Maintenance Energizer mini-rig.

Not sure what that white piece is under the backpack strap.

The blue packpack was released in the modern era with Yoda. I'm blanking on if they made a vintage blue one.

The very long brown piece is from the Dagobah Playset (the hook holds a figure to simulate Force levitating action).

Under the Snowtrooper rifle on the left is the coat for 4-LOM, meaning you have all the accessories to complete that figure. ;)

The rifle under that which looks like a Snowtrooper rifle belongs to IG-88. Not sure what the piece is to the immediate right of it.

To the right of those, is a standard Imperial blaster. It appears to be from the first 12 due to color.

To the right of that is an AT-AT Driver rifle.

Last piece is a prisoner piece from the Imperial Troop Transport I believe.

Second picture.....

Top left looks like amodern Obi-Wan cape.

Next to that is Bib Fortuna's cape.

To the right is Prune Face's cape.

To the right of that is a gas mask from the Hoth Survival pack mailaway/Rebel Transport.

Cape on the far left is Luke Jedi.

Not sure on that large black piece next to Luke's cape. I think it's from a vehicle, but my mind is playing tricks on me.

Silver piece to the right of that is another tool from the VME.

Below that to the left is a speeder bike flap.

To the right of that flap is a gun from Imperial Gunner/A-Wing Pilot, and is expensive if real.

Same gun but blue below the flap is for B-Wing Pilot/Leia Endor/AT-ST Driver.

Below that is a black palace blaster for Lando General or Luke Endor, and is also expensive if real.

The helmet is for Leia Endor.

Bottom silver piece is another tool for the VME.

All other pieces at the bottom ofthe pic I have no clue. Not SW as far as I know.

Wow Yoda! Must be pretty exciting rooting through all this stuff after so many years! 8)

Ians's done a great job of describing everything- check TIG to make sure that black Palace Blaster is legit. They're like hen's teeth and can fetch up to £40! Pretty sure the blue Dagobah backpack is the vintage version (came with the Hoth Survival Kit).
Cazza said:
Wow Yoda! Must be pretty exciting rooting through all this stuff after so many years! 8)

Ians's done a great job of describing everything- check TIG to make sure that black Palace Blaster is legit. They're like hen's teeth and can fetch up to £40! Pretty sure the blue Dagobah backpack is the vintage version (came with the Hoth Survival Kit).

:shock: wow I didn't know they wer that much!
Yes lan has done a good job thanks again lan for that help :)
Yes it is exciting going through those boxes. I was in the process of building a house so i stored them away once they arrived. Some of them had just got a quick check at the time. I also am aware that there could be alot of bits and bobs that's really not worth anything.
I will sell anything I have bought double on here.
I plan to have a full set of loose mint figures with weapons. I hope over time to have all the ships, vehicles and playsets but I am aware it will be to expensive to have them all mint.
If you find a spare green pop up saber for R2, or an undamaged yellow one for Luke Farmboy, let me know! ;)
Cazza said:
If you find a spare green pop up saber for R2, or an undamaged yellow one for Luke Farmboy, let me know! ;)
:lol: no problem I thought I had one in the earlier pictures but then my hopes were dashed!
Fingers crossed again :)
yoda said:
Yes lan has done a good job thanks again lan for that help :)

My pleasure, but it wasn't just me. Several others also gave input, and no way am I taking all the credit.

Also check out that A-Wing blaster. Just about as pricey as that black palace blaster.

If you put up high quality closeup pics of both sides of both blasters, preferably against a white or light grey background, and I'm sure many in here will authenticate it for you. :)

Ian_C said:
yoda said:
Yes lan has done a good job thanks again lan for that help :)

My pleasure, but it wasn't just me. Several others also gave input, and no way am I taking all the credit.

Also check out that A-Wing blaster. Just about as pricey as that black palace blaster.

If you put up high quality closeup pics of both sides of both blasters, preferably against a white or light grey background, and I'm sure many in here will authenticate it for you. :)

Yes ok lan thanks :) Yes you are right alot of others did also help me. I also thanked them I try to thank everyone who helps me :)
I will get those pictures up for everyone who can help.
I will also take close ups of the other bits not starwars related to see if anyone can recognise them.
I have just checked I have a very clean boxed AT-ST I hope this box isn't repro it looks very clean :cry: I will get a picture up as soon as I can.
Great mix of weapons and bits.Those last 17 weapons if genuine would be a right slice of good fortune.

You definitely came to the right place were very good members have given you all the correct information,and that way you have prevented yourself from underselling these items if you were to ever sell.

The last 17 weapons prices particulary the black endor blaster and black palace blaster that you potentially have,are rising pretty steadly at the moment and are always in high demand.

Those weapons were easly lost and there aren't many spares floating around.Fingers crossed there genuine.
decipher28 said:
Great mix of weapons and bits.Those last 17 weapons if genuine would be a right slice of good fortune.

You definitely came to the right place were very good members have given you all the correct information,and that way you have prevented yourself from underselling these items if you were to ever sell.

The last 17 weapons prices particulary the black endor blaster and black palace blaster that you potentially have,are rising pretty steadly at the moment and are always in high demand.

Those weapons were easly lost and there aren't many spares floating around.Fingers crossed there genuine.

Cheers thanks mate hopefully they are genuine. They are floating so hopefully thats I good start :)
I few of the guys sent a link that I will check them against.
I just went through my old toys last night and found a small box of my own weapons and figures. They are not starwars but nice to find :) mostly Terminator, Turtles, Rambo, A-Team, and those little wrestling figures. I found little figures I forgot I even owened! I will put a picture up but not sure if this is proper thread?
yoda said:
decipher28 said:
Great mix of weapons and bits.Those last 17 weapons if genuine would be a right slice of good fortune.

You definitely came to the right place were very good members have given you all the correct information,and that way you have prevented yourself from underselling these items if you were to ever sell.

The last 17 weapons prices particulary the black endor blaster and black palace blaster that you potentially have,are rising pretty steadly at the moment and are always in high demand.

Those weapons were easly lost and there aren't many spares floating around.Fingers crossed there genuine.

Cheers thanks mate hopefully they are genuine. They are floating so hopefully thats I good start :)
I few of the guys sent a link that I will check them against.
I just went through my old toys last night and found a small box of my own weapons and figures. They are not starwars but nice to find :) mostly Terminator, Turtles, Rambo, A-Team, and those little wrestling figures. I found little figures I forgot I even owened! I will put a picture up but not sure if this is proper thread?

Tmnt ATeam 8) get your pics up
Put them in this thread mate
Michael Sith said:
yoda said:
decipher28 said:
Great mix of weapons and bits.Those last 17 weapons if genuine would be a right slice of good fortune.

You definitely came to the right place were very good members have given you all the correct information,and that way you have prevented yourself from underselling these items if you were to ever sell.

The last 17 weapons prices particulary the black endor blaster and black palace blaster that you potentially have,are rising pretty steadly at the moment and are always in high demand.

Those weapons were easly lost and there aren't many spares floating around.Fingers crossed there genuine.

Cheers thanks mate hopefully they are genuine. They are floating so hopefully thats I good start :)
I few of the guys sent a link that I will check them against.
I just went through my old toys last night and found a small box of my own weapons and figures. They are not starwars but nice to find :) mostly Terminator, Turtles, Rambo, A-Team, and those little wrestling figures. I found little figures I forgot I even owened! I will put a picture up but not sure if this is proper thread?

Tmnt ATeam 8) get your pics up
Put them in this thread mate

Ok no prob I have put a picture up of the weapons.
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