

Nov 10, 2020
Ok so still new round here but got a little carried away. Anyway, loving my new case from Drew and after reading Ed's advice I feel 2 big dogs, 13 external cameras and a shotgun licence are sufficient cover considering I don't think the post gives too much info away?? Therefore, here's a few pics. Thanks again to Jeremy as a few of the figures are from him. I don't normally do this sort of post but I just can't help it..... sorry.



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Not sure why they've come through in that order or why the door has turned on it's side?
Thanks for the comments.

It's a GT Pro Performer. The white one is the Haro. A Master.
That is super cool, i want to be your friend 😂😂😂😂

Seriously though, nice set up with the retro theme!

Now that's a set up!

Great looking room and you have about everything you would need for a night in :D

Love it- brilliant man-cave! 😎 The simplicity really works. The BMX's look fantastic in front of the case, which is also fantastic! You went for the same configuration as mine :)
Stunning. I dont think you can buy a better case and the bike are brilliant, not to mention the Han and the stereo!
Love the set up dude 👍😁

Those BMX's look the business, wish I still had my Raleigh Burner, spent hours on that thing!! Fond memories 👍👍👍
You finally got it all done! Congratulations and what a fantastic end result! The room looks brilliant, the BMX's look brilliant and the cabinet looks brilliant! Thanks for sharing such a superb setup :)
Thanks for all the positive comments guys 👍🏼👍🏼
I'm seriously pleased with the display. I was going to just do a full 96 run but have found myself already upgrading/tinkering and now also looking at variants 😬😬

Whilst I suspect I've done this in probably a record speed I am going to take my time looking for some rare pieces (famous last words) such as Blue Snag, vinyl cape Jawa etc.

Cheers all 👍🏼
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