Celebration Emoji Pins


Jedi Knight
Jan 19, 2013
Does anyone have any pins to sell at sub-ebay prices??

I managed to get 28 of them on Friday, but felt i couldn't keep dropping cash on the blind boxes, or have the time to queue again to get in the store.

I didn't figure out the swapping until too late in the day either (noob mistake)

I had no idea there were going to be variants of the ones listed, assume that's normal??

Is there a full list of variants anywhere?

Unfortunately i don't have any doubles to trade, managed to swap them all there.

Was annoyed I didn't realise you got her for spending £100 in the shop, I spent £88 so another blind box would have got me her as well :(

Give me a shout if you don't manage to trade :D
That is well annoying I spent £98 in the shop why was it not put up anywhere would have happily spent £2 for an ashoka pin.

I am also looking to buy pins at none eBay prices
I'm planning in getting a box frame to make a display for all of mine (once I'm happy that I have all the ones I want)

Anyone else planning on making a feature of theirs??
I was planning something similar. Got a long way to go to finish the set off though and with eBay prices ridiculous at the minute gonna hold off an pick them up slowly
It probably is best to wait a while, people will be milking it now while everyone's going 'ermergerd, I didn't get X'

Once it settles down, hopefully those that aren't collecting them will just want shot of them.

How many do you still need?
have decided to put together a check list for the pins, have spotted 7 variants so far, feel free to correct or add anything...

The Force Awakens
Poe Dameron
Kylo Ren


Original Trilogy
Han Solo
Princess Leia
Boba Fett

Captain Phazma
Original Trilogy Stormtrooper
First Order Stormtrooper


Staff Trading Pins
Queen Amidala
Darth Maul
Emperor Palpatine
Admiral Ackbar

Blind Bags
Darth Vader
Anakin Skywalker
Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker
Maz Kanata

Purchase From Stands
Nien Nunb
Jabba the Hutt
Commander Rex

Lobot - With Lanyard
Ahsoka Tano - With purchase over £100 in the the celebration store

Obi-Wan - Force Ghost
Yoda - Force Ghost
Han Solo - Heart eyes
Princess Leia - Heart eyes
Lando Calrissian - Winking
Anakin Skywalker - Crying
Darth Vader - Unmasked
Collins1987 said:
That is well annoying I spent £98 in the shop why was it not put up anywhere would have happily spent £2 for an ashoka pin.

I am also looking to buy pins at none eBay prices

They must have sold out of these by Sunday as I didn't get one having spent £134. And if I simply wasn't given one them I'm well hacked off :lol:
I just started a page on Facebook called "Star Wars Celebration Pin Trading." I wanted it just for fans to trade and complete their sets and not people to try and gouge others for money. Maybe you'll be able to pick up a few more there! :D
Good work chap, have sent a request to join.

Hopefully someone will have some to sell at a sensible price, i don't have any to trade.
Only ones I have is the pre-order set of TFA, bought two sets, so have all four spare, if anyone wants a trade individually or the carded set... I'd be more interested in the collectors track Medallions (have Landspeeder, snowspeeder, Troop transport and Shuttle) or day passes (have three day and Friday), but will consider other pins of course!
ScruffyLookingNH said:
Collins1987 said:
That is well annoying I spent £98 in the shop why was it not put up anywhere would have happily spent £2 for an ashoka pin.

I am also looking to buy pins at none eBay prices

They must have sold out of these by Sunday as I didn't get one having spent £134. And if I simply wasn't given one them I'm well hacked off :lol:

They still had them Sunday morning but had run out by my second pass through at about 1pm on my illusive ghost yoda hunt!
Looking for Star Wars emoji pins. Have Celebration Vintage Toys Medalliins for trade if anyone is interested?

Regards, Mark
SAVORY100 said:
Only ones I have is the pre-order set of TFA, bought two sets, so have all four spare, if anyone wants a trade individually or the carded set... I'd be more interested in the collectors track Medallions (have Landspeeder, snowspeeder, Troop transport and Shuttle) or day passes (have three day and Friday), but will consider other pins of course!

Do you still have TFA pin set available?
Wasn't really in the loop with the emoji pins and how to collect them but before leaving on Saturday we had loads of our own badges left so just started to hand them out. We were on the concourse heading towards the exit and the kids stopped to give a staff member one of our badges and he proceeded to take out a large handful of emoji pins from his pocket and give both kids an Emperor, Ackbar, Jawa and WIcket badge each 8)

After that we went hunting out blue topped staff members and managed to snag a few more :lol: 8)
I wasn't much in the loop with these, I did spend over £100.00 in the store, but didn't get offered an Ahsoka badge. My partner went to all the stands for me, but came back empty handed, as fantasy flight wanted a £35.00 minimum spend for their badge, and anovos wanted £10.00 for theirs. (she thought they were being given away)

I approached some staff, not realising you had to have something to trade, and saw someone with lots of spares wanting to trade and the staff wouldn't give any away. he looked mightily hacked off.

I will post my wants list on here, I have a lot of freebie stuff picked up which I am happy to trade if people want it. Some bargains on Ebay, but in the main, prices are a little silly at present. i am sure it will calm down soon.
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