B Wing Fighter


Sith Lord
Dec 29, 2012
Hey folks

I've been after a vintage Kenner B Wing box for ages - found an absolute beauty and it arrived today, complete with inserts and instructions :)

It's been hidden away until Christmas next year (40 years since I got my original Christmas '84)

It came with a pretty nice ship that I want to sell to get some cash back. I've checked eBay sold items for a rough idea on price. It's missing one 1 wing gun and the bottom cluster has the large cannon missing.

It looks nice and battery compartment isn't split, seller said motor was intermittent so that is code for broken 🤣 but I'll pop in some batteries and see. Wings are nice and smooth and remain in open position.

What's everyone's thoughts on completing it before selling - would I be better to track down the two replacement parts or just drop price accordingly?

50/60 quid maybe?

Youve alway had a nice box Colin 😉
Delighted it arrived today, living room window is leaking. I did a lovely job with silicone yesterday and was greeted with an even bigger leak today - ****in hate DIY 🤣

That's the figure I had in mind, think that's fair, if I tracked down the bits I'd be after more but definitely a decent ship as is (y)
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