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  1. grinchy

    So i have incurable cancer

    Cheers guys, you've all been great, wish i had better news but chemo is no go for now,i 'm just to weak, got a wheelchair today, went out to the beach which was nice, weird to be pushed around, i feel for my wife Karen my heavy ass is no good, but the weight loss will help
  2. grinchy

    So i have incurable cancer

    thanks again, all xx
  3. grinchy

    So i have incurable cancer

    Thanks again guys, the specialist i saw suggested a couple more biopsies then chemotherapy, give me a little more time, thats happening next week
  4. grinchy

    So i have incurable cancer

    cheers everyone, still in shock really, got an appointment on thursday, see what they suggest,
  5. grinchy

    So i have incurable cancer

    thanks folks, still shellshocked to be honest, i appreciate the thoughts xx
  6. grinchy

    So i have incurable cancer

    So i went into hospital before Christmas, with suspected gallstones, turns out after tests and a CT scan, i am riddled with cancer, bowel liver and lung, also stomach and lymph nodes, not sure how long i have left, just wanted to let you know, hug your loved ones tighter, enjoy the holiday...
  7. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    Yeah ten for a pound, can't grumble at those prices
  8. grinchy

    Artistic SWFUKers Thread as requested by Michael Sith :)

    Great artwork tundra, and that staff looks ace mate, really well done!
  9. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    So i took a break from collecting for a bit, now back to it, i know this is not everyone's favourite, but i like it and wanted to complete the set, indiana jones and the dial of destiny
  10. grinchy

    R.I.P. Robert Watts

    RIP, a legend, sorry i never met him,
  11. grinchy

    OWK TV series Darth Vader battle damaged helmet build.

    wow mate, that's looking really good, well done!
  12. grinchy

    latest film/ dvd you have seen

    just back from bad boys ride or die, we really enjoyed it, a decent popcorn flick, not to brain taxing, hope it does well
  13. grinchy

    Shout out to the Admins

    well done mods, thanks for the hard work,
  14. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    So i know its not the best movie in the franchise, but i needed it for the ghostbusters 4k collection, and honestly i dont mind it, and for £6.50 posted can't grumble And i love the Rocky franchise, got this for a bargain price to
  15. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    So i traded in a load of blurays at CEX, and got a voucher to use instore, i bought this Enterprise complete collection season 1 to 4 Also got toy story 1-4 on 4k, love these movies and they really shine in 4k
  16. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    So i got the last of the current john wick movies on 4k, i think they will do more, a prequal maybe?
  17. grinchy

    Happy Birthday Mini99

    happy birthday!
  18. grinchy

    Happy Birthday Cazza

    happy birthday!
  19. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    Bit of a silly one next, i love troma, just a fun company, and they make some craptacular movies, i just bought the 4 toxic avenger movies in a box set,
  20. grinchy

    My bluray and dvd movie collection, feel free to add your own

    if it does happen, i hope the woke brigade is kept at arms length, see what happens, thanks guys
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