Recent content by vintagefan77

  1. vintagefan77

    My Humble MOC Collection.

    Finally got round to checking your thread. Great collection mate, some really nice MOC there 8)
  2. vintagefan77

    Takara star wars

    Awesome collection!!! How are these normally sealed? Is it a sticker or tape?
  3. vintagefan77

    Popy figures MIB vs MISB

    Hi, Topic says it all. I'm just wondering if when looking at ebay and value of stuff online, will it make a huge difference in the price if the box is sealed...and HOW are these boxes sealed? 8) Thanks!
  4. vintagefan77

    Vintage Star Wars Toys Hidden in the Movies & TV

    I saw a guy had a vintage Falcon on his lounge shelves in Come Dine With Me the other day!! :mrgreen:
  5. vintagefan77

    Vintage boxed UK price tag stickers-49p etc...

    Would this still exist --> 10 figures and weapons pollybagged together with large round 99p sticker? Sold at Woolworth shops last half of 1986. Rancor with large round £1.99 (or 1.79 I forget)
  6. vintagefan77

    Anyone having problems with the board post here March 2012

    I'm getting this still. Have to copy and past the links to a new tab to open a topic.
  7. vintagefan77


    Unreal. Surely thats worth £300 + £10 maximum??
  8. vintagefan77

    When vintagefan77 met Jedi-masters!! For real!!!

    Sounds good mate, and maulster you better star walking...coz I think the pubs a bloody long way from your house :mrgreen:
  9. vintagefan77

    When vintagefan77 met Jedi-masters!! For real!!!

    Just done a deal with that fine chap Jedi-masters and he dropped the item to my house in person. Never met anyone off 'the Internet' before like that. Cool guy, and we had a nice chat prizes for guessing, wars collecting. :P
  10. vintagefan77

    Ye Olde Feedback Thread - Locked But Not Forgotten!

    Great transaction done with Jedi-masters. We live not too far away from each other so he dropped the item to my house!
  11. vintagefan77


    If it's not too cheeky I'll take the lot if they're really all on offer! :oops: Most of my early ROTJ comics are in quite poor condition so it'll be good if I can get a few 'upgrades' out of the trade. P.S. Yes I've got I think 2 copies of 161 so I'l send you the best one.
  12. vintagefan77


  13. vintagefan77


    From memory, I definitely need SW Monthly 160.........and I have a spare of 161!!! That trade is on! There was never a droids comic but there was a Holiday Special of it in a slightly smaller format. Droids was actually run in the 'Marvel Bumper' comic in the uk - I have a few I don't want so...
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