Who has watched TFA drunk as ****?


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
I think it's worth watching on full volume without interruptions with your favourite tipple to hand. I've never laughed or cried as much as I have done tonight watching TFA for the 10th time. I love this film.

No, because I don't drink.

I may have to get my current girlfriend drunk in order to get her to watch them as she's never seen them before and has no real wish to!
When I have purchased it will certainly watch it with a bottle of wine as company, I often watch a film while intoxicated and end up watching the last hour again the next day as I can't remember what happened.
theforceuk said:
When I have purchased it will certainly watch it with a bottle of wine as company, I often watch a film while intoxicated and end up watching the last hour again the next day as I can't remember what happened.


It's definitely a totally different experience when you have had a few! I was blubbing in some rather unexpected places too! Han/Leia "new hair, same jacket" scene, R2 turning back on etc :lol:

Rey's vision scene is fantastic with the volume at maximum. I never heard Yoda's voice in the cinema but at home you can hear everyone so clearly it's amazing.
One bottle down, still not a big fan. Still think I preferred Revenge of the Sith :wink:
Ok here goes Fin is Landos son stolen at birth 8)
sith-smith said:
No, because I don't drink.

I may have to get my current girlfriend drunk in order to get her to watch them as she's never seen them before and has no real wish to!

Gary, go the whole hog and get her to put on a Slave Leia costume too mate :D
x-pack said:
How are you people watching this?! It's not out yet is it :?


:wink: :lol:
I can't wait to get this on BluRay. I know there are moody copies online out there but i'm too much of a goodie two shoes.
The next time will be my 10th time. I'm considering getting a soundbar so i can go full on loud.

From the 2nd time all the way through to the 9th i's find myself getting a bit emotional art times. First time was always when Han walks into the cockpit. Watching it a bit worse for wear will be interesting!
Thinking about it the last time I watched a Star Wars film wasted, I started a thread with the heading 'ROTS best Star Wars film!'

Yes it's definitely a different experience watching movies when drunk. I tend to do that some Fri nites.
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