When will the bubble burst...?


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Exhibit B - love the comment, glad at least some people on Facebook see it for how it is. Translates roughly as "Look how much money I've just spent on AFA graded figures that I don't even want, so they'll be up for sale soon." There is zero point to these kind of posts other than dick wangling.



Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Dannywhiteley said:
I really dont understand the hostility towards FB on here other than possibly inferiority complex.

Sorry, inferior in what ways Danny?

Content? As Joe said I'd like to see you link me to any thread of value on Facebook. Even if something good is posted, it's lost within days/hours. The 200+ page Toy Toni thread on here is linked to practically every day on Facebook.
Members? This forum has over 3,000 which is more than nearly any FB group. Those are active users too, as I regularly delete users that have made no posts. It would be well over 10,000 if I didn't prune it.
Usage? Again no, this forum is busier than it's ever been. Rebel Scum has died on its arse I agree, but that's because the owner never even visits the forum, let alone listens to its members. It's been dying for years.
Longevity? Nope, this site has been around since before Facebook itself existed, let alone any of the groups
Quality of items for sale? Sorry wrong again, if you want to pay £25 for loose beaters or £3000 for AFA 80 12 backs Facebook may be better, but not for much else. 90% of my MOCS came from forums and eBay, the majority of my Facebook purchases have been loose weapons.
Quality of members? Most of the big shots on Facebook originated on the forums. Frankly you can keep all the people asking which GI Joe weapon goes with which Star Wars character.

Struggling to see your point here.


Sith Lord
May 13, 2015
edd_jedi said:
Longevity? Nope, this site has been around since before Facebook itself existed, let alone any of the groups

Edd, you missed out "and it'll be here long after Facebook is dead and buried".

It'll happen one day. Twitter first, then Facebook.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
ScruffyLookingNH said:
Edd, you missed out "and it'll be here long after Facebook is dead and buried".

It'll happen one day. Twitter first, then Facebook.

Ah yes, and then these "Admins" will realise they don't actually own anything. Facebook own the website, Facebook own the groups, Facebook owns the members, and yes Facebook owns the content too. They could switch the groups off in an instant, and there's nothing they could do about it.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Here's some stats covering 3 years since I installed Google Analytics on this "dying" website. As you can see, usage has been steadily increasing up to over 1,600 unique visitors per day. The massive peak in January 2014 was the Toy Toni scandal. In those three years there have been over a million sessions and nearly 200,000 unique visitors.

Of course none of the Facebook group admins know any of these stats for "their" groups, because it's a Mickey Mouse website and no data is available.

Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 11.50.58.png


Jedi Knight
Mar 14, 2015
As long as the films and marketing machine keeps SW in the general current consciousness I can't ever see prices going down although I think there will be a trend towards certain items such as 12 backs, VCJs and other 'popular' stuff getting ridiculous whilst other stuff such as ROTJ and less trendy loosies staying about the same.

I've been an SW fan all my life, first film I ever saw at the cinema was ROTJ and on one hand love the fact that it's still current and loved, but must admit although FB has a lot of positives, the dick wangling of some people with a bit of cash trying to look hard/ good by wanking off about new things for a popularity fix when they obviously have an inferiority complex themselves does my head in.

Whereas I love this forum for it's purity, the knowledge, occasional wit, and genuine camaraderie. The difference here that very few of us know who each other are, unless volunteered, so if you post an item in the LA thread it's because you genuinely want to show other people a cool item without some sort of ego trip.

You have a debate here and it's because it's worth debating not just to score some points about your cash or your collection with people that can see who you are.

This forum fuels my passion for the hobby, it's great to be able to read and digest what true experts think about a hobby who have genuine intentions. Don't get me wrong FB is useful, but there's no comparison in terms of quality, mission or content. Diatribe over. I'm off to share an image of a 12 back a Luke DT on SKU that I just bought for $80,000 dollars on FB (just kidding).

The forum is at its best though when big debates kick off and its really important that the forum continues to encourage all to post and gives a platform to all no matter their opinion or knowledge. Unless they are c#nts.


Sith Lord
May 7, 2008
edd_jedi said:
ScruffyLookingNH said:
Edd, you missed out "and it'll be here long after Facebook is dead and buried".

It'll happen one day. Twitter first, then Facebook.

Ah yes, and then these "Admins" will realise they don't actually own anything. Facebook own the website, Facebook own the groups, Facebook owns the members, and yes Facebook owns the content too. They could switch the groups off in an instant, and there's nothing they could do about it.

Exactly, ive said this time and time again. You hear people say 'my' group this and that when it actually isnt. Facebook is a place for broadcasting, not spreading knowledge. There is no historical importance for anything there, and it just seems full of Tarzans beating their chests.

EDIT: No, im not on facebook ;)


Sith Lord
Feb 26, 2012
Facebook is like a Primary school playground. Coming in on Monday morning at school with your new figure and showing your cronies, having an argument at playtime, everything being forgotten by the next day, dickheads who want to be in your gang asking stupid questions all the time. Sound familiar?

It has its place, but if I want to see a proper discussion or check on something in the amazing knowledge bank that the forums have, then I'll leave FB for looking at pretty pictures on.

One thing I will say is that the price guide that Ross Barr is trying to put together would be really valuable for many collectors. It's a great idea but last time I looked people weren't contributing much (probably because they're all stroking their e-peen and arguing :lol: ).


Sith Lord
Feb 26, 2012
_Lee_ said:
edd_jedi said:
ScruffyLookingNH said:
Edd, you missed out "and it'll be here long after Facebook is dead and buried".

It'll happen one day. Twitter first, then Facebook.

Ah yes, and then these "Admins" will realise they don't actually own anything. Facebook own the website, Facebook own the groups, Facebook owns the members, and yes Facebook owns the content too. They could switch the groups off in an instant, and there's nothing they could do about it.

Exactly, ive said this time and time again. You hear people say 'my' group this and that when it actually isnt. Facebook is a place for broadcasting, not spreading knowledge. There is no historical importance for anything there, and it just seems full of Tarzans beating their chests.

EDIT: No, im not on facebook ;)


:lol: :lol:

steve obi wan

Sith Lord
Nov 8, 2014
Outer rim !
edd_jedi said:
and I present to you exhibit A. No doubt this guy bought both of these in a mad panic a few days ago, realised he overpaid and now wants to fleece some even less experienced idiot. The circle of morons...

I sold a nicer Leia than that for a fiver on here a few weeks ago :roll:

Just to comment on exhibit A , to reflect on the circle of morons / and inexperienced idiots

The post was mine , I have seen a couple of nice Star Wars items for sale and sadly have to sell my complete loose run to fund them , which a majority of figures were bought from Iain . As I don't sell a lot of loose figures , was not 100% sure about the value . i checked though my sales that I bought from Iain and reflected the price that I paid . A couple of the figures , I mislaid the weapons , so reflected this in the price . I sold a Vader to a member on here for £18 including postage , which I paid more for .

The leia was bought about 8 months ago for £24 , at that time it was around the going rate , prices now for leia , are between £35 to £55 , as mine had no weapon , I thought it was a good price . Leia had stiff limbs , great cloak , no paint wear and nice and white , not a beater as discussed , and if Edd , did sell a similar one , then buddy , it's your loss and you certainly are not close to the prices !

The Luke , I couldn't find a price , maybe Iain can remember , I checked old sales and prices were between £20 an £50 , he has no paint wear , nice stiff limbs , however missing the tip of sabre , but certainly not a beater , these comments are disrespectful to me as a seller and also reflected at Iain . As soon as I felt that's probably too high I reduced price to £15 , which probably isn't far off what I paid .

There is no mention of me selling the Vader at a good price , or selling a PBP stormy for a tenner . Etc

Edd as admin , I would have expected to check your details of people before you start complaining about FB ,as I was on SWFUK FB , and slating people posts around pricing ,

There are always 2 sides to the story .

I have been an active member on the forum the last couple of years , however do I want to be involved with people bitching about Facebook , complaining about prices and thinking they are high and mighty experts ! NO MTFBWYA

P.s a collector for 38 years !

Hopefully this will clear things up .


Jedi Master
Jun 26, 2014
completely agree with the last posts especially Tris, don't really look much at the other forums, the majority of posts here are interesting to me and I think it's the quality of the posts and the people behind them and their knowledge which make SWF UK what it is. Inject the odd bit of humour and some sarcasm where due and you have the perfect mix " everyone keep it up" hope this bubble never bursts,


Jedi Master
May 16, 2013
edd_jedi said:
Exhibit B - love the comment, glad at least some people on Facebook see it for how it is. Translates roughly as "Look how much money I've just spent on AFA graded figures that I don't even want, so they'll be up for sale soon." There is zero point to these kind of posts other than dick wangling.

F**k! I would literally give my right nut for all of those. :eek:


Sith Lord
Oct 28, 2012
steve obi wan said:
edd_jedi said:
and I present to you exhibit A. No doubt this guy bought both of these in a mad panic a few days ago, realised he overpaid and now wants to fleece some even less experienced idiot. The circle of morons...

I sold a nicer Leia than that for a fiver on here a few weeks ago :roll:

Just to comment on exhibit A , to reflect on the circle of morons / and inexperienced idiots

The post was mine , I have seen a couple of nice Star Wars items for sale and sadly have to sell my complete loose run to fund them , which a majority of figures were bought from Iain . As I don't sell a lot of loose figures , was not 100% sure about the value . i checked though my sales that I bought from Iain and reflected the price that I paid . A couple of the figures , I mislaid the weapons , so reflected this in the price . I sold a Vader to a member on here for £18 including postage , which I paid more for .

The leia was bought about 8 months ago for £24 , at that time it was around the going rate , prices now for leia , are between £35 to £55 , as mine had no weapon , I thought it was a good price . Leia had stiff limbs , great cloak , no paint wear and nice and white , not a beater as discussed , and if Edd , did sell a similar one , then buddy , it's your loss and you certainly are not close to the prices !

The Luke , I couldn't find a price , maybe Iain can remember , I checked old sales and prices were between £20 an £50 , he has no paint wear , nice stiff limbs , however missing the tip of sabre , but certainly not a beater , these comments are disrespectful to me as a seller and also reflected at Iain . As soon as I felt that's probably too high I reduced price to £15 , which probably isn't far off what I paid .

Sorry to hear it was you Steve who had the figures up for sale and you got caught up in all of this.

I must admit that when I looked at the picture of Leia and Luke the price seemed about right to me for their condition. I'm sure there are better examples out there with more expensive figures up for sale which are in much worse condition, maybe a picture of some of these would have been more appropriate.
I can certainly see why Ed feels the need to defend the forum from time to time and for me it's always been my first stop for information and generally some good banter. I'm not part of Facebook but haven't chosen to be not part of it for any other reason than just not having the spare time to get involved, what with being part of a couple of Star Wars forums and just getting on with life in general. I don't really have much of an opinion about it but can see why some people love it and others don't. The end of the day it's up to the individual to decide where they want to spend their time and as long as no one's getting hurt then I see no real problem.

Hope this hasn't put you off being on here, this type of thing happens to all of us every now and then and it's really not worth taking to heart.



Jedi Master
Oct 21, 2012
Forest Moon Of Endor.
Joe said:
They'll outlive us that's for sure but god help the kids of the guys buying up carded figures as investments.... :lol: Fast forward to 2056, the kids finally get the keys to the safety deposit box their parents left them and...just dust :lol: :lol:

"Gee thanks Dad" :mrgreen:

LOL.. :lol: :lol: I can see the ebay advert reading: "Star Wars vintage figure dust pile... VERY RARE"... :lol:


Grand Master
Sep 22, 2010
A certain person commenting in this thread seems to have quite a negative view of forums - describing them as Ghost towns in one FB interview so I wonder why he even bothers to come on here and post anything

I certainly don't think there is hostility to FB and am 100% certain there is no inferiority complex. FB has definitely bought this hobby to the masses and this co-insides with a huge spike in the popularity of vintage Star Wars right now. It serves its purposes for sure and I for one do very well on there, especially with my display accessories and cases - so can't knock it.

However, as a resource for information it is very limited - posts come and go very quickly - and are very hard to find again. Sales go very well (if you price correctly) because you have a much larger target audience - however unlike the forums, where you generally know the person you are selling to, you do get planks on there both as buyers and sellers.

This site, more than the others I think, will continue to prosper because it is very well run, self policed by its regulars and is a great source of information - it is certainly not a Ghost Town



Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
steve obi wan said:
Just to comment on exhibit A , to reflect on the circle of morons / and inexperienced idiots

The post was mine , I have seen a couple of nice Star Wars items for sale and sadly have to sell my complete loose run to fund them , which a majority of figures were bought from Iain . As I don't sell a lot of loose figures , was not 100% sure about the value . i checked though my sales that I bought from Iain and reflected the price that I paid . A couple of the figures , I mislaid the weapons , so reflected this in the price . I sold a Vader to a member on here for £18 including postage , which I paid more for .

The leia was bought about 8 months ago for £24 , at that time it was around the going rate , prices now for leia , are between £35 to £55 , as mine had no weapon , I thought it was a good price . Leia had stiff limbs , great cloak , no paint wear and nice and white , not a beater as discussed , and if Edd , did sell a similar one , then buddy , it's your loss and you certainly are not close to the prices !

The Luke , I couldn't find a price , maybe Iain can remember , I checked old sales and prices were between £20 an £50 , he has no paint wear , nice stiff limbs , however missing the tip of sabre , but certainly not a beater , these comments are disrespectful to me as a seller and also reflected at Iain . As soon as I felt that's probably too high I reduced price to £15 , which probably isn't far off what I paid .

There is no mention of me selling the Vader at a good price , or selling a PBP stormy for a tenner . Etc

Edd as admin , I would have expected to check your details of people before you start complaining about FB ,as I was on SWFUK FB , and slating people posts around pricing ,

There are always 2 sides to the story .

I have been an active member on the forum the last couple of years , however do I want to be involved with people bitching about Facebook , complaining about prices and thinking they are high and mighty experts ! NO MTFBWYA

P.s a collector for 38 years !

Hopefully this will clear things up .

Hi Steve, I appreciate you coming forward and apologies if I've offended/embarassed you, I obviously had no idea it was you, but my comments still stand. £25 for a Leia with no weapon is a stupid price. As is £25 for a yellowing Luke Farmboy with a broken lightsabre - you even say the 'reduced' price of £15 is close to what you originally paid, which basically means at your original price you were expecting to double your money! That's not how collecting works I'm afraid.

What you paid for them is irrelevant, that doesn't mean you're entitled to make back what you paid. I have a whole box full of 400+ weaponless figures (ie beaters) including at least 10 Luke's and Leia's in similar condition to yours, and I guarantee you they are not worth £25 each. Sorry but you need to understand that people charging ridiculous prices for crap is what is driving prices up across the board.


Jedi Master
May 6, 2015
itfciain said:
A certain person commenting in this thread seems to have quite a negative view of forums - describing them as Ghost towns in one FB interview so I wonder why he even bothers to come on here and post anything

I certainly don't think there is hostility to FB and am 100% certain there is no inferiority complex. FB has definitely bought this hobby to the masses and this co-insides with a huge spike in the popularity of vintage Star Wars right now. It serves its purposes for sure and I for one do very well on there, especially with my display accessories and cases - so can't knock it.

However, as a resource for information it is very limited - posts come and go very quickly - and are very hard to find again. Sales go very well (if you price correctly) because you have a much larger target audience - however unlike the forums, where you generally know the person you are selling to, you do get planks on there both as buyers and sellers.

This site, more than the others I think, will continue to prosper because it is very well run, self policed by its regulars and is a great source of information - it is certainly not a Ghost Town


I never said ghost town, i said deserted. And I never mentioned this forum I mentioned Rebelscum. This forum wasnt in existence when I packed up in 2005. I get the feeling I touched a nerve though.


Grand Master
Sep 22, 2010
Dannywhiteley said:
I never said ghost town, i said deserted. And I never mentioned this forum I mentioned Rebelscum. This forum wasnt in existence when I packed up in 2005. I get the feeling I touched a nerve though.

I guess a ghost town would still have something there rather than somewhere that was deserted !

Anyway, yes you did touch a nerve because I have seen 2 or 3 posts from you in various places where you make similar comments about forums (in general) and I think that you are wrong to group them all together - this one is still functioning very well - and it can't be all that bad as even you have made 110 posts on here !


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Dannywhiteley said:
never said ghost town, i said deserted. And I never mentioned this forum I mentioned Rebelscum. This forum wasnt in existence when I packed up in 2005. I get the feeling I touched a nerve though.

Ah that old chestnut, make several untrue controversial comments, and then say we're the touchy ones. Maybe try re-reading your post:

Dannywhiteley said:
I really dont understand the hostility towards FB on here other than possibly inferiority complex. Yes there are new collectors out of control and the constant mail call posts and ironic ebay price exposès are tedious but it is a fast paced marketplace where bargains pop up all the time (12 back R2D2 lasst night for $299 anyone)?

Im an old time collector from the 90's who sold up in 2005 then came back last year. When I first revisited the forums I though the hobby had literally died. Little did I realise at the time it had just moved to FB.

I have build a mid range 12 back set in a year for around £2300 so the deals are still about, but mostly on FB as far as I have seen.

All three comments are absolute bollocks and nothing more than trolling. It's a good job you weren't collecting between 2005 and 2015, because you wouldn't have found any decent Star Wars content on Facebook during that time. It's only blown up because of the films, which is obvious to those of us who have been in it for the long haul.
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