Urgent advice needed please!


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
I am hoping the expertise on this forum can help me with a decision I have to make quickly.

I recently bought a Bi-Logo Speeder Bike on eBay. The listing stated:

"Vintage Original Star Wars ROTJ Speeder Bike BRAND NEW in box. BRAND NEW, never opened!"

Two photos were included on the listing, and the box looked to be in terrific condition. Here are those photos:

Side 1.jpg

Side 2.jpg

As a result, the final sale price was £115, which I was happy to pay for a sealed Bi-logo example.

However, it arrived today, and whilst yes, the box is indeed in terrific condition, it ISN'T sealed. The tape on both sides of the box had been sliced open (something that was not visible in the above photos) and I could hear the contents rattling around inside the box. I therefore carefully opened one end, and the end flap certainly looked like it had previously been opened, albeit carefully. Inside was a plastic tray with a Speeder Bike inside, with all parts present and correct, however none of them were bagged:


Never having owned one of these before, I cannot be 100% certain that the contents would have originally come bagged, but I would be surprised if they hadn't. And if they did come bagged originally, that obviously is completely at odds with the claim that the thing had never been opened before. If however they did not come in bags, then (if one was being generous), you might think that the seller meant 'never played with' when they described it as 'never opened'.

Obviously, I now have a decision to make. The seller has been very pleasant and helpful in their messages, accommodating both my packing and postage requests. However, the Speeder Bike isn't (at least in my opinion, and I doubt in that of many members of this forum) a piece that could accurately be described as 'never opened', and I am now wondering whether (or how badly!) I overpaid for it. I also need to consider what I should say to the seller. If it turns out £115 is a fair price for a piece in this condition, then whilst I will certainly make the seller aware of their 'error', I will probably be prepared to accept the situation. However, if I have overpaid, I have to decide whether to ask for a return or a partial refund, and naturally I want to get back to the seller ASAP if so.

My questions therefore are these, if anyone knows the answers please:

1) Did the contents of this set originally come bagged?

2) Is the final sale price reasonable for an example in this condition, given that it isn't sealed?

Thank you for your help.
Hi, no, the contents are loose not bagged and I would have paid probably half that for an opened box but I haven't seen today's prices being honest.
I believe speeder bikes with the cardboard tray had some parts bagged. I'm fairly sure those with a plastic tray did not come bagged.

That aside, this is NOT a sealed and never opened item. If the tape is cut it has clearly been opened at some point. Tape can dry and come loose, but it doesn't slice itself. £115 is too much for an opened Speeder Bike, even in that condition. Nice Bilogo boxes aren't that common, certainly less common than the standard Kenner style with flap.

I guess it's up to you if you feel happy to pay £115 for a mint complete with box Speeder Bike. I think £60-80 is more realistic, probably upper end of that given the condition of the box. I'd ask for a partial refund. If they refuse I'd return it for a full refund under not as described.
Also, I certainly would have wanted to see more photos of it was either stated as MISB or if it wasn't then I would have asked.
TK-7785 said:
I believe speeder bikes with the cardboard tray had some parts bagged. I'm fairly sure those with a plastic tray did not come bagged.

That aside, this is NOT a sealed and never opened item. If the tape is cut it has clearly been opened at some point. Tape can dry and come loose, but it doesn't slice itself. £115 is too much for an opened Speeder Bike, even in that condition. Nice Bilogo boxes aren't that common, certainly less common than the standard Kenner style with flap.

I guess it's up to you if you feel happy to pay £115 for a mint complete with box Speeder Bike. I think £60-80 is more realistic, probably upper end of that given the condition of the box. I'd ask for a partial refund. If they refuse I'd return it for a full refund under not as described.

Spot on as here is a photo of the cardboard version...

Regardless... IF stated MISB then it should be. If not, well then it shoud have been stated either way either by the seller or asked by the buyer. Either way if you're not happy as you bought it in the thought it was a MISB then I'm sure you'll get a full refund.
I can't comment on bi logo speeder bikes but the speeder bike I own was bought as MISB, came in a plastic tray and didn't come bagged. I opened it along time ago before I joined the forums and Facebook pages and realised the rarity of a MISB, but I really wanted to play with the contents.
Really sorry this has happened, it's so disappointing when the item you receive is far from what you were hoping for.

Being honest mate, as nice as the box is, it's a £60 item at best.

Hopefully this gets sorted for you.
Let us know how you get on Jeremy. I'm sure if you want a MISB version one will pop up sooner or later.

It is a nice piece all the same. :)
TheJabbaWookie said:
I can't comment on bi logo speeder bikes but the speeder bike I own was bought as MISB, came in a plastic tray and didn't come bagged. I opened it along time ago before I joined the forums and Facebook pages and realised the rarity of a MISB, but I really wanted to play with the contents.
Ha ha, and I thought I was the only one that did this way back in the 90s!
I opened a MISB Speeder bike, a Radar Laser Cannon and tripod laser cannon all of them just removed from shipping boxes!
The contents of these speeder bikes were definitely not baged, so all good there, but I'm sorry to say that I agree with all of the above valuations, this is a £60 and at best a £70 item.
It's a very nice item in great condition, I would be asking for a refund, and if one wasn't forthcoming I would get a refund.
Sorry Jeremy.
Thanks everyone for your replies and input. I will contact the seller and politely let him know that his listing was inaccurate with regards to stating that the item had never been opened, that the auction photos did not contradict the listing description since the sliced tape was not visible in them (and hence I had no reason to question the description or feel the need to ask for more photos), and as a result the final sale price was significantly higher than is likely to have been the case had the fact that it was an opened box been clearly stated.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Snaketibe said:
Thanks everyone for your replies and input. I will contact the seller and politely let him know that his listing was inaccurate with regards to stating that the item had never been opened, that the auction photos did not contradict the listing description since the sliced tape was not visible in them (and hence I had no reason to question the description or feel the need to ask for more photos), and as a result the final sale price was significantly higher than is likely to have been the case had the fact that it was an opened box been clearly stated.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Good luck mate.
I would prefer to have it opened. Never understood the appeal of misb, who wants to pay a fortune for a sealed toy they will never see? But that's just me. Regardless, it's not as described and you paid too much so well within your rights for a refund.
It's good news. I have agreed and now received a partial refund of £45 from the seller, meaning the Speeder Bike has now cost me £70, which for one in this condition I am happy to pay, as it genuinely is a great piece, it just wasn't as advertised.

The seller couldn't have been better about the situation. I politely explained the problem, and they apologised immediately, accepting the facts with good grace and offering the partial refund (I had said I would be willing to return it for a full refund, but would also accept a partial, and gave the seller the choice). I genuinely do believe the seller made an honest mistake in the listing and that no deliberate deception was intended, but even so, until you contact a seller in these sort of situations, you never know how they will react. I am very pleased to say that this gentleman could not have been better about the whole thing.

All's well that ends well! :-D
Snaketibe said:
It's good news. I have agreed and now received a partial refund of £45 from the seller, meaning the Speeder Bike has now cost me £70, which for one in this condition I am happy to pay, as it genuinely is a great piece, it just wasn't as advertised.

The seller couldn't have been better about the situation. I politely explained the problem, and they apologised immediately, accepting the facts with good grace and offering the partial refund (I had said I would be willing to return it for a full refund, but would also accept a partial, and gave the seller the choice). I genuinely do believe the seller made an honest mistake in the listing and that no deliberate deception was intended, but even so, until you contact a seller in these sort of situations, you never know how they will react. I am very pleased to say that this gentleman could not have been better about the whole thing.

All's well that ends well! :-D
That's great news all round.
I think that you've got a great condition Bi Logo Speeder bike at a fair price, and all done is a friendly manner.
Glad it was a peaceful and amicable solution. It's easy to often fly off the handle to get pissed off in these situations. I had something similar recently with a ROTJ AT-AT box. There was a hole cut in the front that was not apparent in the photos (in fact it looked like the damage had been done after the photos were taken) and no mention of it in the fairly comprehensive description. So I contacted the seller and got 30% partial refund. All good in the end. Just got to look for an upgrade now. :lol: Anyway, pleased for you, mate. That's a lovely condition bilogo box. Would love one in that condition myself.
Thanks for the comments everyone, and thanks again for the advice you all gave. I really appreciate it. It just goes to confirm once again what a wonderful Forum this is, full of wonderful people... It's just a shame I'm here too to lower the average! :lol:
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