The Empire Strikes Back premiere programme: 20th May 1980

Right.... err.... crikey :shock: :shock: :shock:

If anybody bought this item who is on the forum, then please pm me: I don't want you paying full whack for it- I'll wing you some discount, no problem.

itfciain said:
Wow - great prices

I'll second that, Iain :shock: Honestly, I had no idea what the value would be- I think it goes without saying I'm over the moon :D

Again, may I just say that if anyone from SWFUK has purchased either of these items then send me a private message and we'll sort out a discount.

Time for a beer, I think. [walks into the kitchen in a bit of a daze, to say the least :? :? :?

And a big, BIG thank you to the lot of you, firstly for allowing me to post this item on here, and secondly for drawing me back in to the world of vintage Star Wars with the warmest of welcomes... I'm now thinking how many figures can I buy with this sudden windfall...? :D :D :D

Thanks again, chaps- and far from being a 'one post wonder', I'll be sticking around if that's alright!

Really pleased for you Martin :D

I checked it earlier in the day, but I had a sneeky feeling it would climb right at the end :D

Top man :wink:
chazb73 said:
Really pleased for you Martin :D

I checked it earlier in the day, but I had a sneeky feeling it would climb right at the end :D

Top man :wink:

Thanks mate, that's good to hear. I'll be honest, after being drawn back in by this fine forum, looking at the bids up 'til Friday I was thinking I wished I had never put them up for sale. Funny how things turn around when the pound signs start flashing up :shock:

It'll be a struggle to keep my sensible head on... my old Morris does need some work doing to her, but blimey- I could make some nice SW purchases instead... :lol:
As a result of those sales you can really push the boat out and pimp up your Morris :) congratulations.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers, guys. If you hear a booming sound system before spying a '61 Morris on the horizon with a farty exhaust, then that'll be me... pimped big stylee on the proceeds :D
:) Nice sales Martin I'm pleased for you - checked them before I went to bed last night in upside-down Kiwi-land and they were stil quite low with a few hours to go, so I'm happy they jumped up for you
rob71 said:
:) Nice sales Martin I'm pleased for you - checked them before I went to bed last night in upside-down Kiwi-land and they were stil quite low with a few hours to go, so I'm happy they jumped up for you

Cheers Rob- 'astounded' doesn't even begin to cover it :shock:
Surprised the programme went for that much but not surprised about the ticket!

Great result for both auctions and spend it wisely!
Superb 8) Sometimes that happens and you have the right items at the right time. I trust you will be putting it back into your collection? :wink:
Nice little brucie bonus there mate. :D

I think whoever purchased them will be very please with the additions to their collection. Very nice indeed.
Good day, first post here, do you have any pictures of these two items you sold?
Im very late but really would like to know if you have any idea who bought them and if they are for sale or might come available in the near future.
Morning Double Crown, and indeed everyone- I haven't been on this fine forum for ages!

I was trying to find my photos of these items the other day searching on my iCloud, but to no avail... they could be on an old MacBook which takes forever to fire up... but I'll take a look when I get a moment.

I do recall posting them to a chap in the States, I think he worked for Pixar if I remember rightly.

I would keep an eye on this site and also save a search on eBay to notify you if any come up for sale. I still have pangs of regret, myself... but at least the funds raised kept my old Morris Minor on the road!

Best of luck, and enjoy the forum :)
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