POTF Last 17 Figure Condition


May 17, 2018
I have found 2 POTF Last 17 figures: Lando Calrissian and Romba and I am thinking about purchasing one of them. I don't know which would be the better one to pick, because of the condition (as you can see on the images).

The Lando figure has some price tag tearing and the Romba has a small crease on the top. I would like to hear your personal opinion on which of these two figures is in a better condition :D .


Condition is subjective (and relative to price!). I would tell you to reach out with your feelings, but probably best you just use your eyes :lol:

One has some sticker damage as you mentioned. The other bubble looks a bit yellow.

Another factor to consider is that one is the coolest cape-wearing dude in the galaxy. The other is an ewok.
jayums said:
And one is the coolest cape wearing dude in the galaxy. The other is an ewok
This ^^^^^^ should give you your answer for the best character, condition depends on what you will accept
Only you can decide which one you want the most, whether that's based on the condition of the card or your own personal preference regarding which character or figure you like or want most.

However, since you're asking for our opinions, I'll give you mine. The Lando is the rarer, the more expensive and more desirable figure, however the card looks somewhat faded in addition to having the small sticker pull you mentioned. The Romba by contrast has a slight crease, but the card looks a lot less faded. The vibrancy of the cardback colours is of personal importance to me, so if I had to choose my favourite to own between these two cards, I'd probably pick the Romba.

I repeat however, the choice can only really be yours. Good luck in your decision :)
Lando all the way, he is the coolest dude in the universe 8)

Although Romba is a cute little bugger :lol:

Russ :D
I would agree that all things being equal the romba looks like a better example (from the photos anyway!).

As a relatively noob collector, i think the comments above about the vibrancy of the card is very good advice, particularly if you're looking to display your collection - it can often be hard to tell this from photos sometimes, and it might be less obvious than visible damage.

Budget aside, I would recommend figuring out what is important to you, and collect accordingly. I also think it helps to think about why you are collecting.
The POTF Ewoks have always been the cheapest and easiest to pick up (both loose and carded) so I would also go for Lando
dont forget, its your collection, buy what you like, which character did you enjoy more, do they fit a focus you are doing, what are you trying to collect ect.

both of them have in my eyes small down sides but both are also in great shape! i must admit i hadnt noticed the sticker marks until i read your post a second time.

or if you are like me and just want everything then if they are both from the same seller, see what kind of deal they can do for both?

something im seeing a lot on facebook, with vintage but especially on the star wars lego page is people asking what set or figure they should buy next! thats nuts!
The Romba card looks like the better bet, better colours and less faded than the Lando card, not sure if it is just the photo but the Lando figure looks like it has suffered some discoloration on the left hand side of the body which may put some people off.
Not sure I get the question really...
Lando is for me the better pick up no matter the condition, but then I like the Lando figure and artwork. No Ewok hating going on, just a preference over the two.
Buy what you like at a pace you can afford and you won't go wrong.
Thank you for all the information! :D

The seller just sent me another photo of the both next to each other. It is clearly shown that the Lando card IS a little faded, but I think (aside from the yellowing) that the bubble is in great condition, as well as the figure.

Because Lando is the rarer and more desired figure, I'll probably pick him. The fading, tears and creases aside, I think Lando is the correct choice :D

Would change my mind and pick the romba seeing as the Lando is faded, then wait for a decent Lando to come up for sale
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