Farthest From -December 2018


Sith Lord
May 29, 2014
Announced on Fantha Tracks podcast the date of the next Farthest From is...
8th - Fantha day an Mon Cal Con in the evening
9th - Farthest From
Flights already booked - can't wait!!!
Will arrive on saturday morning and leave sunday evening at LHR.
Anyone from London-area for a pickup or for sharing a rental car?
Not for putting down the rates - just for company. :)
Undecided. Obviously I would love to go as I have been to nearly every one and always enjoy seeing you all. However a supporter of a certain seller recently implied I was two faced for going if I felt strongly about this seller attending, so perhaps I should take his advice and not go while he is still welcomed there.
edd_jedi said:
Undecided. Obviously I would love to go as I have been to nearly every one and always enjoy seeing you all. However a supporter of a certain seller recently implied I was two faced for going if I felt strongly about this seller attending, so perhaps I should take his advice and not go while he is still welcomed there.

Don't be daft Edd! Get yourself down there - "you can't please all the people, all of the time"... especially in this hobby!
edd_jedi said:
Undecided. Obviously I would love to go as I have been to nearly every one and always enjoy seeing you all. However a supporter of a certain seller recently implied I was two faced for going if I felt strongly about this seller attending, so perhaps I should take his advice and not go while he is still welcomed there.
That's nuts Edd; couldn't disagree more. You can't not go to a convention on the off chance that someone may or may not be there; where would that end???
You should still go Edd, it's out of your hands who's there and it would be a shame for you to miss the show - and see all your friends.

On another note, who's taking table bookings as DT is away it seems.
edd_jedi said:
Undecided. Obviously I would love to go as I have been to nearly every one and always enjoy seeing you all. However a supporter of a certain seller recently implied I was two faced for going if I felt strongly about this seller attending, so perhaps I should take his advice and not go while he is still welcomed there.

Would be massively disappointed if you chose not to come down because of one trader, don't miss the event because of that. See you there Edward
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.

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