

Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
Yep, got my fingers crossed.
Hope Filoni has played a blinder.
The early reviews have been encouraging, if not earth shattering (not that you can hold much stock with early access media reviews).
Hopefully, it follows on from Andor and we get a well written series with great characters.


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
Has everyone seen all of Clone wars and Rebels?

I didn't start watching the Cartoons until season 1 of Mandalorian had finished...Possibly even season 2, now that I think about Having watched them, so many things in the Mandalorian started to make sense. I can't imagine Ahsoka will be as good without having seen the cartoons..

Rebels was better I think in some ways having read the Heir to Empire/Thrawn Trilogy.

Carl Waterworth

Jedi Master
Jun 10, 2007
Has everyone seen all of Clone wars and Rebels?

I didn't start watching the Cartoons until season 1 of Mandalorian had finished...Possibly even season 2, now that I think about Having watched them, so many things in the Mandalorian started to make sense. I can't imagine Ahsoka will be as good without having seen the cartoons..

Rebels was better I think in some ways having read the Heir to Empire/Thrawn Trilogy.
Yes mate, multiple times,the are a few meh episodes, but on the whole really good. but the story arcs regarding death watch and Maul are awesome


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
Has everyone seen all of Clone wars and Rebels?
Yeah, watched Rebels.
Couldn't be arsed ploughing through the whole of Clone Wars, so I followed one of those 'Essential Episodes' guides, to get up to speed. It's been a while, though.

Some reviews have suggested you might struggle a bit, if you haven't watched Rebels/CW.
Very little setup of previous events/characters etc. apparently.

We'll soon find out....


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Has everyone seen all of Clone wars and Rebels?

I didn't start watching the Cartoons until season 1 of Mandalorian had finished...Possibly even season 2, now that I think about Having watched them, so many things in the Mandalorian started to make sense. I can't imagine Ahsoka will be as good without having seen the cartoons..

Rebels was better I think in some ways having read the Heir to Empire/Thrawn Trilogy.
Watched both- thought they were awesome. Rebels started a bit kiddie, but got better and better and was absolutely outstanding by the end. Clone Wars was a bit similar, but really developed well over the years (apart from the odd duff episode). Think they both really flesh out the background of Mando and sounds like they will for Ahsoka as well.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
Has everyone seen all of Clone wars and Rebels?

I didn't start watching the Cartoons until season 1 of Mandalorian had finished...Possibly even season 2, now that I think about Having watched them, so many things in the Mandalorian started to make sense. I can't imagine Ahsoka will be as good without having seen the cartoons..

Rebels was better I think in some ways having read the Heir to Empire/Thrawn Trilogy.
Yes I have, and I love 'The Clone Wars'. By the end of the run, Ahsoka Tano became my second favourite Star Wars character in the entire saga behind only Luke. Yes, the series had a few dud episodes, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it. 'Rebels' was also good, although IMHO was not the equal of CW, although it did improve as it went on.

As for the 'Ahsoka' show, by all accounts from the early reviews, it seems to be a live action 'Rebels' season 5, and if you aren't up to date with what happened in 'Rebels', you're not going to get as much out of it. I have mixed feelings about this if true. Obviously it's Disney Lucasfilm and they've shown they're more than capable of ruining any aspect of Star Wars, and I couldn't bear it if they did that to Ahsoka. However more than that, even if they treat the character respectfully, and as fun it will be to see The Ghost's crew in live action, the show is called 'Ahsoka', not 'Rebels', and hence it feels something of a cheat / backdoor way for Filoni to continue his 'Rebels' storyline, rather than truly being Ahsoka's show...

Obviously, we will find out the truth very soon, and I sincerely hope the show rocks, but my confidence has been badly shaken in recent years, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high.


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Will be watching the first two episodes shortly - but very high expectations here. As above I strongly suspect this is a Rebels extension and if it keeps Ashoka at the heart, that's OK. I do really want to see what happened to all those characters and the Thrawn/Ezra story needs a real ending (no spoilers - but the end of S4, while good, left too big a door open, not to be curious what happened next).

I also suspect this show will lay the groundwork for the cross-over movie that will bring the Mando back in and wrap everything up in terms of leading us to the birth of the First Order and the events leading unto the Force Awakens, which is what Disney want in terms of cementing their story-world.

But the big thing going for it here is Filoni, he loves the characters and stories and did an amazing job on Rebels so no reason to think he won't here...


Sith Lord
Oct 28, 2012
Well I loved the first 2 episodes and found it ticked all of the SW buttons for me , as well as having that Andor edge to it with pacing, FX's and acting.

A great start in my book and I feel sorry for the people that have been writing about ' boring women in space', ect. I'm really not sure what they were hoping for and it feels to me that some people just want everything to fail before even giving it a chance.

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Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Watched the first 2 Eps now and really, really enjoyed them.
The production values, script, plot, pacing etc. were all spot on - felt like a show crafted with real love and care and one that feels coherent from the first shot.
It walked a great line between building on the past (Clone Wars, Rebels, the OT and Prequel films) but is also smart enough to allow first timers to watch it and enjoy it as a standalone story - although obviously if you have watched past shows and films you get a bit more out of it.

Watching it I found the treatment of the characters spot on and given the history (no spoilers) of Hera, Sabine, Ahsoka being so core to Rebels, it makes 100% sense that they are front and centre here - it isn't contrived or forced, it is simply telling a good story, with well established characters and frankly - fantastic to watch. I am also loving Ray Stevenson as well, so sad that he is no longer with us.

Fantastic start, my only frustration is I now have to wait until next week for Ep3....


Staff member
May 9, 2014
As above- thought it was fantastic. Very cinematic, with incredible production values and a stunning score. Ticks every box for me, so far. Ahsoka is clearly the star of the show, although Sabine comes a very close second. Think they'll make a fantastic double act. Really liked the dynamics on both sides and can't wait to see Thrawn and Ezra.
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Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
This is more like it, my kinda Star Wars. I've only seen Ep1 so far.

My only criticism, and one I was expecting, is that it is very Female heavy.

I know this is the 21st century and all the baggage that goes with it, but all the same…sorry if this offends, not my intention just MY opinion.😔🤔


Jedi Knight
Feb 18, 2019
I'm 20 minutes in and understand nothing. I don't know who anyone is or how they relate beyond the simplest goodie baddie breakdown. I love the look and the casting is great (drake from aliens and Kurgan from
Highlander in the first 15 mins) but there is lots of talk of stuff and people I don't know about - and neither will any civilian watching it.
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