Recent content by SimpleSi

  1. SimpleSi

    horror movie chat

    I was a horror fan as a teenager. I saw Zombies Dawn of the Dead in the cinema in 1981 and that was the scariest I'd seen up until then. There were loads of good horror films around that time. Also saw The Brood, Dead and Buried, The Fog, The Burning and Wolfen all in the cinema (sneaked in with...
  2. SimpleSi

    Cool Childhood Photo - 2nd picture found.

    Very nice collection. I only managed to get two figures - Han Solo and a Stormtrooper, which I still have. I kept them as they didn't take up much space 😅
  3. SimpleSi

    Star Wars first editions on VHS

    Here's a link to my blog post about the UK first editions of Star Wars on VHS video tape: Star Wars on VHS blog Another of my random blog posts: Star Wars bedroom
  4. SimpleSi

    Star Wars ex rental VHS sleeve (1982)

    Hi all, This is bit of a long shot so I'm casting my wanted net as wide as possible. I'm also keeping an eye on eBay just in case I get lucky. I'm after an original sleeve only for a 1982 Star Wars VHS first release. These were the ones with text on the front saying "Rental Library". I have...
  5. SimpleSi

    Star Wars with a touch of fragrance

    eBay link to Star Wars soap here
  6. SimpleSi

    Star Wars with a touch of fragrance

    Here's an extract from the Marshall Ward mail order catalogue 1978/79 Autumn/Winter. I've a vague memory of having the R2D2 bubble bath from here and also an R2D2 soap on a rope from somewhere else. It's remarkable that there seem to be quite a few of the soaps who escaped the bath and...
  7. Star Wars soap_03.jpg

    Star Wars soap_03.jpg

  8. Star Wars soap_01d.jpg

    Star Wars soap_01d.jpg

  9. Marshall Ward 1978-79 Star Wars toiletries_v3.jpg

    Marshall Ward 1978-79 Star Wars toiletries_v3.jpg

  10. SimpleSi

    Star Wars bedroom ware quandary.

    I just managed to find my pillow case. It's a large size at 78cm x 44cm. I couldn't find any makers stamp on the fabric itself, just the washing instructions label inside.
  11. DSCF2035_v2.png


  12. DSCF2031_v2.png


  13. SimpleSi

    Star Wars bedroom ware quandary.

    Some really good information here. I appreciate this is an old thread but I found this very interesting. I found the same catalogue photograph of bedding. It's from the Marshall Ward mail order catalogue 1978/79 Autumn/Winter. I only recently tracked this down. I had just the pillowcase...
  14. Marshall Ward 1978 swfuk.png

    Marshall Ward 1978 swfuk.png

  15. SimpleSi


    Good luck on your journey and may the force be with you........ sorry, just had to say it.
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