Personally I love the prequels and Sequals. Just don't get the hate. We are all here for the Love of Star Wars. So many critics on x
there's a need to be seen and heard, as well as a need to feel "smart".
What makes a cynic feel better about themselves than yucking another's yum?
Or just following the crowd that feels edgy.
Rewind to TPM opening day. My buds n I are third in line (group wise) at the theatre. We made good friends with the others online as well as seeing loads of folks we know. The excitement was real, both before and after.
Afterward, many of us gathered at the local Denny's. Of course there were the odd gripe, mostly around Jar Jar, though he did have some defenders, even. But we, as westerners, always find even small faults.
For the most part, folks loved the film. It was exciting, it had pew pew and whooosh hummmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Some of us kept in touch, it felt like half a year or so and the negativity really took hold amongst the fans (not counting any critical consensus. As critics, for the most part, panned ESB, (at least it's been re-evaluated since) . Folks who publicly praised the film suddenly didn't. Sure, re-evaluation is a possibility. Yet, a downloaded Thai screener copy was doing the rounds. Many of us were watching it daily, and still hyped until the negative energy really took over.
FFWD>> twenty years, and another about face. Many of the same folks love it again.
Beware the power of mixing negativity with social pressure. It leads to…
*yes, there are folks that truly disliked it. But I'm taking the trendoids here.