Why so much hate for Prequels

I watched them all recently and loved them. Simpler times. Enjoyable movies. Harmless fun :)
Remarkably, I watched TPM with my wife in the cinema in May and since then we've been going through all live action films in chronological order. I think she's enjoying them as much as me :)
I have just watched them all recently also,
And I enjoy them but the phantom menace not so much the other 2 are great though.
I grew up with the Prequels but prefer the originals.

Return of the Jedi is my favourite one, just everything about it seems like a complete movie, well to me 😆

I think they have their place in history.

I dont hate the prequels far from it. My first ever Star Wars movie I saw was the Phantom Menace.

Don't get me wrong though, I personally think out of the first 6 movies Phantom Menaces is my least favourite but Darth Maul is one cool dude that's for sure. It would have been nice to see a bit more of him in the movie side such as back story flashbacks.

To be honest, I am unsure how Star Wars would have played out without the prequels, would it have such a big following as it has now?. Most likely still be huge but in what sense?

The ones I sadly can not get to grips with are the Disney movies. The series I can watch but I do not class them in the same league as the movies.
Actually that is a good point. Without the Prequels there would be no Star Wars as we know it today. LucasFilm wouldn't have grown in size and George wouldn't have squeezed $4B out of Disney and it most certainly wouldn't be the cultural beast it is today. The Special Editions were in part made to test digital technology ahead of the Prequels (as was the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles TV show) and Dark Horse relaunched the Star Wars comics knowing full-well what was coming - Likewise Hasbro built the POTF2 line around the Special Editions and then the Prequels allowed them to go to town (after a decade of making exactly NO SW toys). in 1999 the licence deal with Lego help save and go on to create the worlds biggest Toy company, that wouldn't have worked if new films weren't hitting the screens and the more new films and stories the more the older ones found new audiences.

If the Prequels never happened then all there would have been in the world was 3 much loved but generationally aging movies, which would have fans, likely in the same way Back to the Future or The Goonies does today, loved my old duffers like me, but maybe seen as boring by younger generations (So say my teenage kids... honestly they found BTTF boring....).

I'd never really stopped to think about that, but love them or hate them - nothing in the SW universe would exist today without them, which kinda makes them rather important....
Very interesting read to see differing views and opinions - I suppose that we all expected different things from them and to make any prequel/sequel would never be able to please everyone! Personally I did prefer the sequels to the prequels - some of the scenes (notably the fight on the Death Star ruins) still makes me tingle. As a reader of the comic back in the day which had spin off stories I suppose that they may have left me initially a bit frustrated but I can say that I have more enjoyment now watching the movies and appreciate them better.
Just on a side note from the prequels though I think it the overall saturation of the franchise has now put some people off - although I did really enjoy Andor. Going back to the comic though one of the stories that always stuck in my mind was about Boba Fett being spat out by the sarlacc as he could not be digested and had temporary amnesia - I really had hoped that would have been used in the spin off when it came out! As I said you can't please everyone ...
Personally I love the prequels and Sequals. Just don't get the hate. We are all here for the Love of Star Wars. So many critics on x
there's a need to be seen and heard, as well as a need to feel "smart".

What makes a cynic feel better about themselves than yucking another's yum?

Or just following the crowd that feels edgy.

Rewind to TPM opening day. My buds n I are third in line (group wise) at the theatre. We made good friends with the others online as well as seeing loads of folks we know. The excitement was real, both before and after.

Afterward, many of us gathered at the local Denny's. Of course there were the odd gripe, mostly around Jar Jar, though he did have some defenders, even. But we, as westerners, always find even small faults.

For the most part, folks loved the film. It was exciting, it had pew pew and whooosh hummmmmmmmmmmmmm…

Some of us kept in touch, it felt like half a year or so and the negativity really took hold amongst the fans (not counting any critical consensus. As critics, for the most part, panned ESB, (at least it's been re-evaluated since) . Folks who publicly praised the film suddenly didn't. Sure, re-evaluation is a possibility. Yet, a downloaded Thai screener copy was doing the rounds. Many of us were watching it daily, and still hyped until the negative energy really took over.

FFWD>> twenty years, and another about face. Many of the same folks love it again.

Beware the power of mixing negativity with social pressure. It leads to…

*yes, there are folks that truly disliked it. But I'm taking the trendoids here.
The prequels have grown on me so much, especially since that shite ST came out. At least the prequels gave us a good storyline for the most part, good duels and a great score.

The ST can suck my balls.
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