By disappointment, do you mean child? Because I'm sure ended up with two from 90 seconds workI did laugh today. I was half heartedly cheering for City, all excited pre kick off then 90seconds later, bang, massive disappointment. Wait half an hour, City equalise, I get my hopes up again, then 90 seconds later, bang, massive disappointment again.
Get excited, only for it to end in massive disappointment 90 seconds later, the story of my life!
Yeah, all a very fair argument. I think that's one of the reasons Grealish isn't the player he was, Pep has coached it out of him.Don't get me wrong, post peak to decline Wengerball was some of the prettiest football you'll ever experience. Artetaball isn't that, but it's broadly speaking effective (with obvious lacking cutting edge from time to time). As I said above somewhere, I'd love a bit of a creative attacker, but if Arteta coaches it out of them were back to square one (which is for the most part quite effective).
I do think the coaching style is to some extent why the Martinelli we signed has disappeared to be replaced almost by the metronome Martinelli- get the ball, run the ball, get chalk on your boots, (cross ineffectively/drive to the line and get tackled/drive inside and get tackled/take a wild shot and miss/take too many touches/cross ineffectively)
Still, 2nd we are and we can still "technically" do it.
**** off to all the non believers
Not entirely sure they are mine, they aren't retarded and I haven't seen them licking windows even once!By disappointment, do you mean child? Because I'm sure ended up with two from 90 seconds work
I thought he went to Villa?Rashford to West Ham. Hope he does well as the kid clearly has (had) talent and would be a shame for him to end up as another Deli Alli. But, he does't half look bored in his signing photo!