Losing the bug...again

I have lost the bug some times , bad sellers and people over at TIG being wankers made me quit that forum over a year ago. And I'm never comming back there as a posting member . Joining this site and meeting all you nice people got me back .

Other times thing that got me back in the game was changing my focus . From Hoth / ESB stuff over moc to now proofs . Got me back again

.. Right now its a bit of break for me , I'm selling of a lot of my stuff and feeling very good about it , I will keep some , but I have found out that the hunt is what I enjoy 75% of the time . And after some time i don't want to keep 75% off what I have picked up .

Now that I know this , I'm so happy with it and have never had regarded that i sold any off the stuff .
søren said:
I have lost the bug some times , bad sellers and people over at TIG being wankers made me quit that forum over a year ago. And I'm never comming back there as a posting member . Joining this site and meeting all you nice people got me back .

People on TIG being wankers...never!!

That forum is loaded with ****ing nudgers,end of story (can think of a handful of good guys over there and that's your ****ing lot)
I've so lost the Star Wars bug... I've moved back into my old hobby of record collecting focusing heavily on Guns N' Roses and other 80's Metal acts such as Twisted Sister, Ratt, WASP, Dio, Maiden, Ozzy, Crue and so on... It seems like i'm reliving the first 20 years of my life but in real time... :)
Though I'd offer my answers, despite my newbie status....

1 - How often do you lose the bug?

Every few months. But its only brief. Real life takes hold, I get distracted, other hobbies come to the fore. Its just waves.

2 - Do you ever consider just selling the ****ing lot and forget this ever happened?

Never. As said before, the only reason would be if I needed the funds for something desperate or if I lost my job or something. But the vinyl collection would probably go before the SW collection!!

3 - How many times have you considered leaving the hobby for good?

Never. If, deep down, you know you love it, then why would you? The thing with vintage SW is that it is 'finite'! You are collecting a period of time from 1977-85. They aren't going to make more and ruin it for you!

A similar collecting path I have is Beatles vinyl. But only up to 1970. My 'focus' was always UK pressings (in both mono/stereo, different labels, etc). I hate the 'reissue, repackage, re-evaluate' approach taken by labels, especially with extremely tempting (but overpriced) super deluxe box sets!

4 - Or thought about storing the lot up in the hope you regain "the bug"

With the above in mind, that's what I'd do. I collect toys, vinyl, books, magazines, memorabilia etc. I tend to purchase each in waves but would only make purchases I can fit in my house, or at least my loft! Rotating displays etc, keeps things interesting!

I think at the back of my mind, I'd worry that I'd seriously regret selling in the future. I guess i have a bit of a hoarders mindset though!! I thank my parents for that..
As said I think the collecting bug comes and goes, for me I get very excited about things for a short period and then drift off for a bit then back, right now I'm not excited about buying any SW figs but I am sure later in the year that will change. I think it is perfectly normal, as human beings our interest in almost everything ebbs and flows and collecting is no different.
Have decided to complete my 77bk collection and then sell off everything I own apart from 1 loose set of figures and my potf moc's,just in case!

If after selling all off I don't feel sad then I will flog off the rest and go with my other hobby (Lego key rings)

Cheers for all your advice gents,always valid inputs from all of you!
browny said:
Have decided to complete my 77bk collection and then sell off everything I own apart from 1 loose set of figures and my potf moc's,just in case!

If after selling all off I don't feel sad then I will flog off the rest and go with my other hobby (Lego key rings)

Cheers for all your advice gents,always valid inputs from all of you!

Good idea to keep a set of loose figures. You'll always love them and if you sold them you'd want them back almost immediately i reckon.
i have been collecting on and off since 1998 ,i have pretty much everything i want now but i still pick up things every few months or so i cant help it, i dont think il ever leave the hobby completely, its healthy i think too take a break now and then, vintage item wills always be available when you want too come back too it.

i find buying vintage not as fun as it yoused to be im talking ebay here my main hunting ground! it is more of a task these days! prices i think are at an alltime high at the moment! and its hard too find bargains and the rise in fakes and reproduction on ebay does make me want too throw in the collecting bug it winds me up seeing countless listings with reproduction in the description, sellers are more deceitful and its very sad! these reproduction listings are killing the vintage community and is very harmful to newbie collectors.
Really good point from Ponchobelt

As a newby trying to pick up the knowledge, you have to learn what to watch out for fake wise, thankfully this forum gives a safe haven where you can learn, buy with confidence, and have some good fun with decent guys :D

Cheers good guys
ponchobelt said:
i have been collecting on and off since 1998 ,i have pretty much everything i want now but i still pick up things every few months or so i cant help it, i dont think il ever leave the hobby completely, its healthy i think too take a break now and then, vintage item wills always be available when you want too come back too it.

i find buying vintage not as fun as it yoused to be im talking ebay here my main hunting ground! it is more of a task these days! prices i think are at an alltime high at the moment! and its hard too find bargains and the rise in fakes and reproduction on ebay does make me want too throw in the collecting bug it winds me up seeing countless listings with reproduction in the description, sellers are more deceitful and its very sad! these reproduction listings are killing the vintage community and is very harmful to newbie collectors.

I 2nd that - good poiunt mate, it's made me think twice about collecting recently
I agree that eBay's retarded category re-structuring has completely put me off looking on there. I wonder if the ****tard that decided to sack off the vintage carded section has any idea how much money their decision has lost eBay because people just cannot be arsed to sift through thousands of pieces of irrelevant shite.
browny said:
Have decided to complete my 77bk collection and then sell off everything I own apart from 1 loose set of figures and my potf moc's,just in case!

If after selling all off I don't feel sad then I will flog off the rest and go with my other hobby (Lego key rings)

Cheers for all your advice gents,always valid inputs from all of you!

Sounds fair enough! One thing that came to mind, are you going to sell the 77bks once you've got them all?
escapist said:
browny said:
Have decided to complete my 77bk collection and then sell off everything I own apart from 1 loose set of figures and my potf moc's,just in case!

If after selling all off I don't feel sad then I will flog off the rest and go with my other hobby (Lego key rings)

Cheers for all your advice gents,always valid inputs from all of you!

Sounds fair enough! One thing that came to mind, are you going to sell the 77bks once you've got them all?

Yeah mate,just want to take photos and then flog the lot,will keep my potf moc's and look to complete them at a much later date...
edd_jedi said:
I agree that eBay's retarded category re-structuring has completely put me off looking on there. I wonder if the ****tard that decided to sack off the vintage carded section has any idea how much money their decision has lost eBay because people just cannot be arsed to sift through thousands of pieces of irrelevant shite.

Could agree more Edd!

Havent bothered with ebay myself since they royally ****ed it up! :roll:
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