End of 2024 Review and 2025 Goals.


Grand Master
Sep 1, 2016
My favourite thread of the year.
How did your year go?

Here's a link to last year's thread in case you can't remember

Personally I had a great year adding some great items to my collection at a more budget friendly price as the market "re aligned".

2024 Goals:
Han Solo and Greedo 12/20 back to complete my 12/20 back run, finally. YES/NO
Leia Bespin Tri Logo YES
DSD Tri Logo NO
LXW Tri Logo YES
EV9D9 Tri Logo YES
R2D2 Pop Up sabre - just the sabre…I know, I'm asking for the impossible. YES (complete figure)
Imperial Gunner blaster (or possibly a complete figure) as I suspect it will be impossible to find just the blaster. YES (complete figure)

All in all a great year, I'm still looking for a 12/20 back Han for my Star Wars run, but did add a Palitoy Greedo.
The two loose accessories didn't happen as they are as rare as hens teeth, so I just bit the bullet and bought complete figures and sold on the original ones I had.

2025 Goals:
(All MOC's)
12/20 back Han - to finally finish my Star Wars run
Tri-Logo Death Star Droid
Tri-Logo Emperors Royal Guard.
Tri-Logo Barada
And to just carry on enjoying the collecting obsession….🙄

All the above are wanted (as close to mint as possible) if anyone is looking to move on any of the above please feel free to reach out to me….I know shameless, but I've got to try.
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There's something to be said for not making plans - Hamill wasn't at Celebration, and based on the prices for the other actors I'd comfortably say I wouldn't have been paying whatever they wanted for him anyhow.

2023 - had a couple of nice pick ups, and much to everyone's surprise I still have them.

2024 - again no real plans, hopefully pick a few bits up (have already equaled last years total for MOCs!)
Bought a couple of nice bits, sold them and about 70% of my collection, downsized from a big, double cabinet to one about the size of a detolf.

Pass, zero real plans, maybe buy a MOC?

2024 was a bit of a mix for me. I am sure I had some collecting goals, but as the year went on there was a lot of morphing and changing, especially as my collecting goes beyond SW, but on the SW front.

I set out to get a lose run of 77 figures (I am currently on 76)
Unplanned was a lose Max Rebo - but couldn't resist.
On the Modern front I wanted to fill in some of the gaps I had in POTF2 & EP1 - Done
I wanted to get the Revenge of the Sith figure line - Done
I wanted to get the last few legacy tins - Done.

Modern stuff was more a case of trying to rationalise - order less but maybe focus a bit more - not sure I got there, but I have broken the habit of ordering all VTC figures

Away from SW my M.A.S.K collection went from 0 to a lot, only Slingshot missing to finish a series 1 & 2 run (mixture of boxed and lose) & quite a few transformers added, G1 and New - I do now own all three G1 seekers, which is cool.

Next year:

For Vintage probably not a lot, I do want to find boxes for my Y-Wing and B-Wing (I have a lead there), there are a few 'love to own' things, but they are out of my financial reach right now.
For M.A.S.K. we will need to see what the new toys coming from Loyal Subjects look like - we are hearing it will be vintage focused....
For Transformers - really need to only focus on G1 stuff, keep the Studio 86 line up to date and if a Jetfire or Nightbeat happen to arrive :)
For Modern SW, I want to keep the Retro line up to date, but after that I want to focus only on things that connect back to specific shows or comics (Shadows of the Empire and Heir to the Empire, Ashoka/Rebels).
Then there is Lego..........
Loose solid dome R2 (got one last year, and promptly lost it on a night out!) No
UK Topps Series 2 sealed wax pack No
'The Force' Lightsaber (red) No
POTF2 Expanded Universe MOCs (all of them!) No
Action Force MOCs: Mission Pilot, Mountain and Arctic, US Paratrooper + series 1 twin-stemmed bubbles for reseals. No
Bit of a crap year. I found a handful of SW & AF figures in a charity shop and got hold of a Palitoy Landspeeder box. That was it :(

Aims for 2025:

Loose solid dome R2 (got one last year, and promptly lost it on a night out!)
UK Topps Series 2 sealed wax pack
'The Force' Lightsaber (red)
POTF2 Expanded Universe and green carded Tri-logo MOCs (all of them!)
Action Force MOCs: Mission Pilot, Mountain and Arctic, US Paratrooper + series 1 twin-stemmed bubbles for reseals.
"Loose solid dome R2 (got one last year, and promptly lost it on a night out!)"

Wow I bet that was a great night out!
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2023 has surprisingly finished the 20 back set, and I have picked up 5 excellent
Tri logos, 2 for my L17's so pleased with that.
2024 perhaps a 12 back or L17, as prices seem to be dropping slightly , and inserts to finish a boxed vehicle would be nice.

Well 2024 has been a busy year, quite a few Tri Logo's, a 12 back Ben, and a stunning L17 Imperial gunner. No inserts sadly. But I can't complain. 😁
I didn't buy that much vintage this year although theres still time to bag an ESB FX-7 or one of the Bounty Hunters tho😀

Heres what i got: 2 ESB mini rigs MIB and an ESB MOC imp commander .

2024- Wants:

01: Skywalker Ranch Pinot Noir Wine Yes
02: POTF2 Grand Admiral Thrawn Yes
03: Blix Carleen Black Series Yes
04: ESB 32 Back Yoda Yes
05: EP1 Aug/Sept '97 Call Sheets Yes

2025- Wants:

01: Trilogo Hoth Stormtrooper
02: TVC Jabba Denizens 4 Pack
03: SW Kenner Droid Factory MIB
04: ESB Kenner Cloud Car MIB
05: ESB Kenner Hoth Rebel Soldier
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Had no plans for vintage starwars this year I've got what I want.

I'm still looking for a hoth probot base hopefully I can find a budget one in 2025

And I'm always hopeful il find another bargain MOC one day.

I do need sell some extras I've obtained over the years vintage wise. Someone else would appreciate it more than me for sure rather being locked away in storage.
Well I guess this counts as 2024 but totally needed I snagged a Wampa, Solid TaunTaun (trying to get better saddle) and a loose Han & Luke Hoth to put on display - really didn't need them but too cool (Hoth joke) - hopefully all arrive before Crimbo....
I got 4 debut Kenner MOCs, PU R2, Lobot, Leia Bespin and AT-AT driver. Also got a complete with unused sticker sheet Palitoy Darth Vader Tie-Fighter.

Also got a factory sealed Battle Cat which is pretty amazing, didn't think I would get one this year. Pretty good year all in all and down too 7 Star Wars MOCs to complete the character run, I have 51 on the debut Kenner card.

As for next year would like 2 debut MOCs, that's being realistic as the ones I need are heavyweights! I've started dabbling in modern graded Star Wars comics which are really good value at the moment so hopefully add some of them as well.

Happy new year everyone, hopefully 2025 will see this forum used a bit more.
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Nothing specific I was chasing in 2024, just any MOC I needed. Nothing turned up so apart from a couple of vintage toothbrushes, I didn't add anything to my collection. Bit of a relief as I spent way too much in 2023 😁

2025 goal is the same. Pick up anything I don't have for the Palitoy or trilogo miscard collection if I get the chance.
I was on a selling spree last time so after not buying anything I didn't set any new goals. This year has been similar with some more key items sold to fund some house renovations, but I was very pleased to finally pick up a Palitoy 65 back Rebel Solder which had been on my list for a few years! I also got my loose collection on display and bought an Admiral Ackbar that was missing.

For 2025 I don't think I'll be buying any more MOCs unless a nice impulse buy comes along, but it would be nice to upgrade a few of my loose figures.
For next year I don't have a lot of expectations. Maybe a Droids ATL Interceptor. I would love a Palitoy Droid Factory, but finding one in (next to) unused condition has been hard. A Wicket in Palitoy baggie is also on my list.

Got my ATL Interceptor on the cusp of 2025. I've also managed to find an upgrade for my Bi-Logo TaunTaun and my Kenner Death Star box.

I've also now learned that I'm not looking for a Wicket in Palitoy baggie, but a Wicket in Kenner Taiwan Baggie. So, maybe in 2025?
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