A complete list of Palitoy Star Wars products 1978 - 1983?

Simply Sci-fi

Jedi Knight
Jan 30, 2014
This is the final version of the list of Palitoy products that I've been working on. It will be included as an appendix in my upcoming book "The Star Wars Phenomenon in Britain."

I decided not to include details of the action figure backing cards and to instead simply mention which wave the figures were part of. All comments are welcome.

The book is being edited at the publishers and preview copies are being sent out for review. Exciting times.


Masks. Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, C-3PO, Sandpeople, Chewbacca (Palitoy display box).
Dip Dots painting set (Palitoy).
Keel kite (Palitoy).
Poster art set – Playnts (Palitoy).
Play – Doh set (Palitoy).
Escape the Death Star game (Palitoy).
The Adventures of R2-D2 game (Palitoy).
Destroy the Death Star game (Palitoy).
Light Saber (Palitoy).
First wave ction figures: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2), See-Threepio (C-3PO), Darth Vader, Death Squad Commander, Jawa, Stormtrooper, Sand People (Palitoy).
Land Speeder (Palitoy).
TIE Fighter (Kenner with Palitoy sticker).
X-Wing Fighter (Palitoy).
Death Star (Palitoy).
First wave Large Size Action Figures: Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia (Palitoy).

Masks. Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, C-3PO, Sandpeople and Chewbacca (Palitoy display box).
3D Poster Art (Palitoy).
Dip Dots painting set (Palitoy).
Light Saber (Palitoy).
First wave action figures (Palitoy).
Second wave action figures: Hammerhead, Snaggletooth, Walrus Man, Greedo, Power Droid, Death Star Droid, R5-D4, Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot (Palitoy).
Land Speeder (Palitoy).
TIE Fighter (Kenner with Palitoy sticker).
X-Wing Fighter (Palitoy).
Death Star (Palitoy).
First wave Large Size Action Figures.
Die Cast first wave: X-Wing Fighter, TIE Fighter, Darth Vader TIE Fighter, Landspeeder (Palitoy).
Die Cast second wave: Imperial Cruiser, Millennium Falcon, Y-Wing Fighter (Palitoy).
Blaster Pistol (Palitoy).
Three Position Laser Rifle (Palitoy).
Radio Controlled R2-D2 (Palitoy).
Talking R2-D2 (Palitoy).
Darth Vader TIE Fighter (Palitoy).
Cantina (Palitoy).
Land of the Jawas (Palitoy).
Droid Factory (Palitoy).
Imperial Troop Transporter (Palitoy).

First wave action figures (Palitoy SW).
Second wave action figures (Palitoy SW).
Third wave action figures: Han Solo (Hoth Outfit), Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues), Leia Organa (Bespin Gown), Lando Calrissian, Rebel Soldier (Hoth Battle Gear), Imperial Stormtrooper (Hoth Battle Gear), FX-7 (Medical Droid), IG-88 (Bounty Hunter), Bespin Security Guard, Bossk (Bounty Hunter), Boba Fett (Palitoy ESB).
Land Speeder (Palitoy SW).
TIE Fighter (Kenner SW box with Palitoy sticker).
Death Star (Palitoy SW).
First wave Large Size Action Figures (Palitoy SW).
Second wave Large Size Action Figures: Boba Fett. IG-88 not released (Kenner ESB).
Die Cast first wave (Palitoy SW).
Die Cast second wave (Palitoy SW).
Blaster Pistol (Palitoy ESB).
Three Position Laser Rifle (Palitoy SW).
Radio Controlled R2-D2 (Palitoy SW).
Talking R2-D2 (Palitoy SW).
Darth Vader TIE Fighter (Palitoy SW).
Cantina (Palitoy SW).
Land of the Jawas (Palitoy SW).
Droid Factory (Palitoy SW).
Imperial Troop Transporter (Palitoy SW).
Yoda Hand Puppet (Palitoy ESB).
Millennium Falcon Spaceship (Palitoy ESB).
Tauntaun (Palitoy ESB).
Rebel Armoured Snowspeeder (Palitoy ESB).
Twin Pod Cloud Car (Palitoy ESB).
Yoda Hand Puppet (Palitoy ESB).
X-Wing Fighter (Palitoy ESB).
The Force Lightsaber. Red and Yellow. (Sold loose).

First wave action figures. Death Squad Commander changed to Star Destroyer Commander (Palitoy ESB).
Second wave action figures (Palitoy ESB).
Third wave action figures: Dengar, Lobot, Yoda, Han Solo (Bespin Outfit), Ugnaught, 2-1B, AT-AT Driver, Imperial Commander, Rebel Commander, Leia (Hoth Outfit), Bespin Security Guard (Palitoy ESB).
TIE Fighter (Kenner SW with Palitoy sticker).
X-Wing Fighter (Palitoy ESB).
Second wave Large Size Action Figures. Boba Fett. IG-88 not released. (Kenner ESB).
Die Cast first wave. (Palitoy SW).
Die Cast second wave. (Palitoy SW).
Die cast third wave: Twin-Pod, Slave One, Snowspeeder. TIE Bomber not Released (Kenner ESB).
Blaster Pistol (Palitoy ESB).
Three Position Laser Rifle (Palitoy SW).
Darth Vader TIE Fighter (Palitoy SW with Bounty Hunter offer).
Imperial Troop Transporter (Palitoy SW with Bounty Hunter offer).
Yoda Hand Puppet (Palitoy ESB).
Tauntaun (Palitoy ESB).
Rebel Armoured Snowspeeder (Palitoy ESB).
Twin Pod Cloud Car (Palitoy ESB).
Yoda Hand Puppet (Palitoy ESB).
Turret & Probot playset (Palitoy ESB).
Imperial Attack Base (Palitoy ESB).
The Force Lightsaber. Red and Yellow (Sold loose).
Figurines – Craft Master. Yoda. Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun (Palitoy ESB unconfirmed)
Glow Paint by Numbers – Craft Master Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Han Solo & Princess Leia (Palitoy ESB unconfirmed).

First wave action figures. Minus Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2), See-Threepio (C-3PO). (Palitoy ESB).
Second wave action figures (Palitoy ESB).
Third wave action figures (Palitoy ESB).
Fourth wave action figures. Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear), AT-AT Commander, (Twin-Pod) Cloud Car Pilot, Bespin Security Guard, Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot, Artoo Detoo (R2-D2) (With Sensorscope), C-3PO (With Removable Limbs) 4-Lom, Zuckuss (Palitoy ESB).
TIE Fighter (Kenner SW with Palitoy sticker).
Battle Damaged X-Wing Fighter white (Palitoy ESB).
Second wave Large Size Action Figure (Kenner ESB).
Die Cast first wave (Palitoy SW).
Die Cast second wave (Palitoy SW).
Die cast third wave (Kenner ESB).
Blaster Pistol (Palitoy ESB).
Three Position Laser Rifle (Palitoy SW).
Darth Vader TIE Fighter (Palitoy SW with Bounty Hunter offer).
Imperial Troop Transporter (Palitoy SW with Bounty Hunter offer).
Yoda Hand Puppet (Palitoy ESB).
Tauntaun (Palitoy ESB).
Rebel Armoured Snowspeeder (Palitoy ESB).
Twin Pod Cloud Car (Palitoy ESB).
The Force Lightsaber. Red and Yellow. Sold loose.
Mini Rigs. INT-4 Interceptor. CAP-2 Captivator. MTV-7 Multi-Terrain Vehicle. MLC Mobile Laser Cannon. PDT-8 Personnel Deployment Transport (Palitoy ESB).
Tauntaun with Open Belly Rescue Feature (Palitoy ESB).
Slave 1 Boba Fett's Spaceship (Palitoy ESB).
Wampa (Palitoy ESB).
Dagobah Action Playset (Palitoy ESB).
AT-AT All Terrain Armoured Transport (Palitoy ESB)
Millennium Falcon Spaceship (Palitoy ESB).
Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Action Playset (Palitoy ESB).

First wave action figures. Minus Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2), See-Threepio (C-3PO). (Palitoy ROTJ).
Second wave action figures (Palitoy ROTJ).
Third wave action figures (Palitoy ROTJ).
Fourth wave action figures (Palitoy ROTJ)
Fifth wave action figures: Gamorrean Guard, Bib Fortuna, Emperor's Royal Guard, Admiral Ackbar, Chief Chirpa, Logray (Ewok Medicine Man), Klaatu, Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise), Rebel Commando, Weequay, General Madine, Ree-Yees, Biker Scout, Nien Numb, Rebel Commando, Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Outfit), Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit), Squid Head (Palitoy ROTJ).
Rebel Armoured Snowspeeder (Bilogo).
Tauntaun with Open Belly Rescue Feature (Bilogo).
Darth Vader TIE Fighter (Palitoy SW with Bounty Hunter Offer).
Wampa (Bilogo).
Tauntaun with Open Belly Rescue Feature (Bilogo).
Slave 1 Boba Fett's Spaceship (Bilogo).
Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Action Playset (Palitoy ESB).
AT-AT All Terrain Armoured Transport (Bilogo).
Rebel Transport vehicle (Palitoy ROTJ).
Scout Walker vehicle (Palitoy ROTJ).
Battle Damaged X-Wing. Both white and grey (Bilogo).
Radar Laser Cannon, Tri-pod Laser Cannon, Vehicle Maintenance Energizer (Bilogo).
Mini Rigs: INT-4 Interceptor, CAP-2 Captivator, MTV-7 Multi-Terrain Vehicle, MLC-3 Mobile Laser Cannon (Bilogo).
Jabba the Hutt Action Playset (Kenner ROTJ).
Speeder Bike vehicle (Kenner ROTJ).
Mini Rigs: AST-5 Armoured Sentinel Transport Vehicle, ISP-6 Imperial Shuttle Pod Vehicle (Kenner ROTJ).
Sounds cool mate , about time we had our own pali wikipedia 8) Do you know when it will be on the open market :?:
I wish I had the opportunity to write a Palitoy wiki. I've of course featured Palitoy very strongly in the book but I've had to make room for lots of other stuff too.

Progress on the book is slow but steady. At the moment there's no idea of when it will be released. I'll keep everyone posted.
Excellent list Craig, very comprehensive and a really useful summary of what's out there.

i see you're including Bilogo but not Trilogo items, are you not going to mention things like the Palitoy Shuttle?

There were also Palitoy ESB and ROTJ Play-doh sets (although the ROTJ is more Trilogo than Palitoy).

The only other comment is that I don't think the 12" Fett ever came in a Palitoy box, but there are examples with a Palitoy sticker on a Kenner box.

I'm looking forward to seeing the book!


Thanks for the comments. The book only covers the time up to the end of 1983. I'm not aware of any Trilogo items in '83 but I'm willing to bow to greater knowledge.

I'm not aware of Palitoy branded play-doh for ESB or ROTJ. Also the model kits and Craft Master sets too don't seem to have ever come out Palitoy branded, even though there are trade catalogue photographs.

I would love to be able to write a follow-up book telling the story of Star Wars from 1984 to today. One battle at a time though!
Absolutely freaking awesome stuff. I have waited a long time for someone to produce a book that solely focus on UK PALITOY and nothing else. Very well done sir. Really looking forward to purchasing a copy. The amount of info and books out there on Kenner USA and other countries products. A UK PALITOY book like this is well overdue.
Thanks. As I said, there's a lot of stuff about Palitoy Star Wars in the book, but I've had to make room for a hell of a lot of other information. Even so, I'm sure it'll blow most fan's socks off.
Cheers Craig, I missed the bit about covering the period to 83 only hence no Trilogo.

There is definitely an ESB Palitoy Play-doh...


There's also a ROTJ Jabba set but it hasn't got the Palitoy logo, and it's in multi lingual packaging. I don't know whether it was released in 83 or later.

I've never heard of the ESB figurines or paint by numbers other than in the catalogue, it's fair to say they almost certainly don't exist.

The model kits were released under the Airfix and Denys Fisher brands, again I'm almost certain they were never in a Palitoy packaging.
Great stuff Craig

Can't remember if this was discussed before but Palitoy didn't produce the die cast third wave, they were all Kenner in the UK.

You also have Yoda hand puppet twice in the list - a minor point :)

- edit, I see that you've put that on the 1982 list so just a case of a missing 'Kenner' than an error. Ignore me :)
I thought that the vader tie I have was a later one as mine has the bounty hunters logo on it. Just what was the point of that ? Some mailaway scheme that never happened? I am aware of the cut out the names thing but I have a few boxed items that have the fett helmet and hunter logo on them. The bigger the item the more that were on it.
AndyPreston said:
Cheers Craig, I missed the bit about covering the period to 83 only hence no Trilogo.

There is definitely an ESB Palitoy Play-doh...


There's also a ROTJ Jabba set but it hasn't got the Palitoy logo, and it's in multi lingual packaging. I don't know whether it was released in 83 or later.

I've never heard of the ESB figurines or paint by numbers other than in the catalogue, it's fair to say they almost certainly don't exist.

The model kits were released under the Airfix and Denys Fisher brands, again I'm almost certain they were never in a Palitoy packaging.

Thanks for the pic and the information. I couldn't remember if I'd seen a Palitoy Play-doh for ESB.
spoons said:
Great stuff Craig

Can't remember if this was discussed before but Palitoy didn't produce the die cast third wave, they were all Kenner in the UK.

You also have Yoda hand puppet twice in the list - a minor point :)

- edit, I see that you've put that on the 1982 list so just a case of a missing 'Kenner' than an error. Ignore me :)

Thanks for pointing out the typos. This list has got to be 100% accurate!
Tony jedi said:
I thought that the vader tie I have was a later one as mine has the bounty hunters logo on it. Just what was the point of that ? Some mailaway scheme that never happened? I am aware of the cut out the names thing but I have a few boxed items that have the fett helmet and hunter logo on them. The bigger the item the more that were on it.

It was just a Palitoy promotion that didn't go anywhere. Good for collectors today, otherwise there would be tons of boxes with those symbols cut out!
I'm extremely curious to know if this book will be published.
I'm sure there are many on here who would purchase it.

Pulsar said:
I'm extremely curious to know if this book will be published.
I'm sure there are many on here who would purchase it.

Ah i wasn't around a couple of months ago, thanks for the link mate.
Gonna ask around if i can order through here as came off facebook last year.

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