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  1. W

    Does anyone fancy being Mr.Golden Rod?

    True, that costume was spot on!
  2. W

    36 Slave Ones !!

    :P Favourite part of the listing. The mirrors in the back are weird as well. Maybe want to trick an idiot into thinking he's buying 72 ?
  3. W

    Wow this is a must buy!!!!!!!

    Someone actually bought this for 10 quid... :shock:
  4. W


    Haha :D
  5. W

    Another dodgy seller

    Score for the watchdogs!
  6. W

    Fake resealed DSC Trilogo miscard

    True that. I'm intrigued by how a resealed figure would constitute as a MOC, or is that a term that may still be used for resealed figures?
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    After Unfairly "Wining" a Case Buyer Sends Money Back!

    Really annoying those sellers and buyers that don't respond to mails or messages... Probably next time wait until the case is closed before going on with the sale?
  8. W

    Watch out! Post Fakes, Repros, Customs selling on ebay here

    Haha, Repo card. Does that mean he'll buy it back from you later for a higher price? That's how a repo works, right?
  9. W

    removable rocket fett on ebay...

    *Kill me please* :(
  10. W

    Genuine Fake Star Wars Jawa??

    What's a "genuine fake"? That's like a "square circle"....
  11. W Import Charges!

    Seems as though the Netherlands are not eligible for this option. Probably explains why I have never seen this before. Whenever I get something of eBay I try and make sure it's marked in such way it won't be stopped by customs. While I can see the point behind the import taxes, the amounts...
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    Rare Sandperson

    :lol: :lol: I seriously laughed my ass off at this post. Maybe this swapping parts routine is just to have you buy two figures instead of just one.
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    Newbie Guide to EBay Sellers' Techniques

    I've seen the "RARE" all to often, even for the most random crap you find in every bargain bin. Not just online, but also on post-its all over some booths at conventions.
  14. W


    I wasn't planning on buying this figure... just pointing out that some scammers don't even take the effort to do some research. The whole "carded" issue is clearly a fraud, so I doubt the cape is the real deal.
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    Seriously... there's red cape Bib Fortuna again, carded... And if we have to believe the seller, it's "no repro".
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    Some guy here in the Netherlands was selling some interesting pieces on a local version of eBay. What got my attention was a carded vinyl cape Jawa, which in itself was odd (said website seems a bit to low-key for selling such an item). However, the fool was also trying to sell a carded version...
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