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    is this a legit variant?

    hi folks, starting to drift across into the shady world of variant collecting and stumbled across this seller from the states. he has this for sale...
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    my new favourite description method.

    my new favourite description method, sod describing the broken, dirty, incomplete wreck you see before me, ill copy something from a wiki :lol: :lol...
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    seiously, this guy needs putting on some kind of register, and his poor vintage babies removing and putting up for adotion...
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    help! MOC Rebel Trooper In The Wild!

    hi guys, never stumbled across A Moc in the wild, guy is holding it for me for 24 hours while I decide, he does not collect/deal but obviously knows it has value, wants £75 for it, which seems fair but thought I would ask online. Its a Tri-Logo Hoth Rebel Trooper, framed. card back looks...
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    General Grumbling

    so this might take off, or it might die faster than a speeder bought from a Jawa, but id love to hear your moans, groans, queries and observations about our hobby, grading, eBay, Idiots, repro stuff ect. my main one that has been bugging me this week is: Why on earth did Kenner decide to add...
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    spot the hidden treasure shame it'll probably turn out to be a fake.
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    What do you regret the most from your time in the hobby?

    Hi all, probably been asked before, but what mistakes/cons have you fallen for, what lessons did you learn? I have two id like to share and would love to hear what mistakes other hobbyist have made. 1: at a car boot sale, saw a guy with 6 falcons, 3 AT-ST, 2 AT-AT, 4 Reb troop trans. etc...
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    Vehicle parts needed, weapons + loose figures too.

    Hi all, need quite a few bit's and have loose figures to trade.I also have a spare elusive speeder bike bottom gun for trade. I need: Just about every part for a y-wing Snow speeder glass, one cannon, two rear engine caps, harpoon and cable/block. At At chin guns, bulb cover, cranium/canopy...
  9. T

    Too good to be true?
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