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  1. Bill McBride

    Need valuation for Vintage 1977 DT Luke Skywlaker and DT Darth Vader

    I would def. need to see better pics, but the Vader appears to be a standard DT with the tip stretched out. Please PM me here, or email. Bill
  2. Bill McBride

    More Repro Figures To Come

    I have no idea what's going on here, nor do I have anyinvolvement with these projects. This is the first I'm seeing any of this Bill
  3. Bill McBride


    I told Neil that my best guess is that this was a RV saber. The "guess" is down to the fact it was deliberately damaged. There are numerous marks over the outer sabers, and the inner saber is damaged in a similar way. (I can only assume that someone was just trying to come up with a creative...
  4. Bill McBride


    I just received the figure today, and I've PMed my findings to Neil Bill
  5. Bill McBride

    Lightsabers - the tip - why?

    I might be able to shed some light on this - the saber tips are just remnants from the original DT saber design. Nothing really earth shattering here; the DT sabers were too fragile and costly to put into mass production, so Kenner went with a simple, one piece design. Regarding the...
  6. Bill McBride

    Darth Vader No COO or date??

    Apologies for not chiming in earlier. To the best of my knowledge, every example has come from a European source. (mine came from a lot of loose and carded figs from the UK). The details on the figure, and a lack of CoO are indicative of a production mold that has been "sharpened" up for...
  7. Bill McBride

    Why you should NEVER buy prototypes from ebay

    I think this is a great example of showing people why you need to do your own research when getting into this end of the hobby. As we are seeing from the HC debacle, I am just still shocked at how many times I'm hearing that people didn't follow up on information, or just took people at their...
  8. Bill McBride

    new vintage modern figs

    I really like the retro style packaging but for Vader, Hasbro really didn't change much. (same "ESB" card, just with the "Free Boba" offer). The only thing they really did change up were the variations of the card. So far, I've been able to find 6 packaging variants of just Vader. Personally, I...
  9. Bill McBride

    Please read, Im actually really worried....

    Just another person suggesting the police route. It's one thing to bust balls over the internet, but to outright threaten your (or your loved ones), is crossing the line. Don't let yourself be bullied by this guy. Get your money back, file a police report, and contact ebay safeharbor to get...
  10. Bill McBride


    No problem guys. Like I said, I'm pretty thick skinned, and it takes a lot to get me riled up over something, but this guy has certainly done it. Aside from changing his stories numerous times, he went as far as to call me out IN the first auction listing. He pointed out information my site...
  11. Bill McBride

    9HolyGrails Blog

    I agree. I think that is what really the hallmark of the true collecting ideology. If you aren't excited, or passionate enough to have the drive to put the time in to hunt things down, then ultimately you lean more into the "hoarding" category. That's what is keeps me going really, the thrill of...
  12. Bill McBride


    FAKE Gold (Chrome) Darth Vader Case on eb@y Just a heads to everyone on this auction: I'm pretty thick skinned, but I've even had enough from this guy. Several people...
  13. Bill McBride

    Fake hardcopy prototypes discovered.

    I agree with Jason, and as I said before, it really comes down to educating yourself about what we choose to collect. In this case, I'm actually surprised it went on as long as it did, and so many people just took these pieces at face value. I mentioned before that one of the true hallmarks of...
  14. Bill McBride

    Who's Who - Introduce yourself!

    Thank you everyone :) All is well, wounds tended, fences mended, fields ... err, whatever ;) LOL Just point me in the direction of the nearest toy shop/pub and I'm cool. Bill
  15. Bill McBride

    Complete U90 Collection!

    I'm not sure if the seller would be happy to see this, but I'm pretty sure his "set" isn't complete: (cardback and cut/torn MIB(bubble) Rotj LL 30b) This is the only actual Lili Ledy Vader that could ever be potentially a "U", and I can assure you it's staying just like this for a very long...
  16. Bill McBride

    Star Wars in 3D

    I have to agree with a lot of you guys, my first reaction wasn't really positive. However, I have two nephews which are budding SW fans (not my doing ;) ), and they are getting into things via a steady diet of the "Clone Wars" and anything cool Uncle Bill sends their way. They are both in the...
  17. Bill McBride

    The Happy Happy , no bad news or scamming thread :)

    Works for me !! :D Even focusing on one character, I tend to have "sub-foci" of various items; banks, watches, and most recently pins (or pin-backs) I had been trying to find the "Darth Vader is a Trojan" vintage button for 6-7 years: It was a parody button made by USC (University of...
  18. Bill McBride

    Who's Who - Introduce yourself!

    Hello all !! I guess this is where I should have started, so let me give this a go: Name: Bill McBride Age: 38 Married: Yes (No kids yet, just a pack of GSD's) Residence: Wash.DC area Occupation: Airline Industry Collecting Focus: Darth Vader, and when I'm not collecting Darth Vader, I'm...
  19. Bill McBride

    Fake hardcopy prototypes discovered.

    I completely agree with you. I think (unfortunately) it's just a result of people being more connected, and the amount of information we share increases over time. When I started, ebay didn't exist, the internet as we know it didn't exist, so everything was done via the phone, toy shows...
  20. Bill McBride

    A message from Misfit on RS

    LOL - I'll give you bonus points for even reading the whole thing. (My brain aches). I've never had a problem with repros personally, sometimes people just want to have an approximation of the real thing, and they are perfectly happy with that. The real problem comes when these either get resold...
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