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  1. gustie


    bikes good been to coed-y-brenin recently look up dragons back on youtube and see how hardcore it is :) rocky riding :)
  2. gustie

    Green limbs Wicket

    both i guess - hi TFB ;)
  3. gustie


    yeah mate just keeping about 10 figs - rest are going ill sort out when im online at home - just moved and waiting for install
  4. gustie

    Is this a Glasslite Darth Vader or not?

    looks "clipper-ish"
  5. gustie

    Green limbs Wicket

    yup ive had no coo wickets that havent been sun tanned
  6. gustie


    hi guys hope your all well been away as had LOADS to deal with as usual grrrr will be online in my new flat on the 24th so will come back and chat then :) hope your all well :)
  7. gustie

    Vinyl Cape Repair Guide

    some nice results :)
  8. gustie


    nah was blood deficiencies neutrophils... breaks down immune system as u dont make enough white cells oink oink may not have been the best lol
  9. gustie

    Loose Vintage Vehicles

    im gunna shift most of it andy but will keep probably some of my favs ;) ill keep it for u... shame not this side of chrimbo as im BRASSIC lol ;)
  10. gustie


    not been upto a whole lot - been ill - ill - ill lol andy check this thats the light ur getting whats the run time on flat out?
  11. gustie

    old here - want list inside

    lol ok they guys may tell you how good my motivation has been for selling recently - although im getting my ass in gear lol
  12. gustie


    the PBP capes have different holes and are shorter if i recall to the kenner ones.. dunno if this helps lol
  13. gustie

    old here - want list inside

    damn.. didnt read properly all my stuff is loose
  14. gustie

    free c9.5 klaatu moc if you win 15 auctions!!!!!

    :) indeed paul is a good un ;)
  15. gustie

    loose fig and accersories

    ok i still have to sort lee, dan and uli out... then ill get right on it... ;)
  16. gustie

    Loose Vintage Vehicles

    yeh!! u want it back??? how are you mate?
  17. gustie

    old here - want list inside

    hi there need anything still?
  18. gustie

    loose fig and accersories

    is this your current wantlist? i have about 200 figures to shift!
  19. gustie


    thanks mr burns :) how u doing an all?
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