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  1. Gorneesh

    Battlefront II - Looks amazeballs - who's in?

    I loved the first one, and this second one looks amazing but I won't be dropping £55 on it. I will wait till after Christmas when its either second hand or come down in price.
  2. Gorneesh

    Retro Games console on a pi3

    So last night I managed to set up and installed retropie, what a great little bit of kit. My only issue now is why my rooms keep doubling up I'm finding this bit more complicated than I thought.
  3. Gorneesh

    Retro Games console on a pi3

    @robstyley can't find the one I wanted but there a 100's of them this is just one of them
  4. Gorneesh

    Retro Games console on a pi3

    Thanks for the replys, think I'm going to order the stuff needed at the weekend. @robstyley a pi3 is a Raspberry pi a tiny little computer that you can buy for around £20-30 Retropie is a kind of retro gaming os for the pi, instead of the games in hard form you load them up as roms. I'm no...
  5. Gorneesh

    Retro Games console on a pi3

    I am one of the unlucky ones who missed out on a Nintendo mini NES and I refuse to pay close to £200 for it now so I've been looking at alternatives and came across the emulator route on a raspberry pi3 using retropie, just wondered if anyone has done one of these before, it looks simple enough...
  6. Gorneesh

    Thimbleweed Park

    Yeah I did see that, I'm sure that I will pick it up for the PS4 when it is released.
  7. Gorneesh

    Thimbleweed Park

    Great stuff dude, impressed you've not had to look anything up. I remember on Escape from Monkey Island having to look up how to get through the Mists of time and what order to do something in the house of prosthesis I've not had much chance to play anymore yet, but should be able to give it a...
  8. Gorneesh

    Which SW quotes do you use in life?

    I use the Lando classic "Hello, what have we here?" and me and the wife use the "I love you" " I know" classic a fair bit they are the ones used the most I'd say.
  9. Gorneesh

    Thimbleweed Park

    Edd- Part 7 ? You are well ahead of me I'm up to part 3, but I take my time and really explore the game in depth. Did you work out how to do all the puzzles yourself or did you have to get a guide? Some of them are super hard. I really hope that they make some more of this or others like it.
  10. Gorneesh

    Thimbleweed Park

    I Maybe out here on my own with this one, but is anyone else playing Thimbleweed Park? Made by Ron Gilbert (No relation, and the creator of Monkey Island) and a load of other people from Lucasarts (before if got disbanded by Disney) It has a real Monkey Island feel about it and the graphics are...
  11. Gorneesh

    Pokemon Go!

    I put it onto my phone for my daughter to play,(and for me to see what all the fuss and hype was about) we do go out and hunt them together, but the whole poker gym/ fighting thing is lost on me. I can see the appeal of the game and I also enjoy going out for the walk and hunting them down and...
  12. Gorneesh

    Which laptop?

    I love Apple in fact I own both an iMac desktop and macbook pro (as well as iPhones, iPads and iPods) and would never go back to a PC but there newer laptops don't come with a CD drive so no good for what requested by the original poster, I would recommend one of there're older models that do...
  13. Gorneesh


    I have been invited on shoots, but turned them down because I know that they just put up so many birds the sky goes black and you can't miss, then at the end of the day they just put all the birds into a hole in the ground.
  14. Gorneesh


    I was not raised on a farm but I was brought up in the country, with a Dad who is heavily into shooting, so I've been brought up with guns and even the odd fox hunt (which in my eyes should not have been banned) I still go pheasant shooting but I would like to add that all game shot by me gets...
  15. Gorneesh

    Just coz.....

    Nice!! have you got the Ltd edition PS4 to go with it?
  16. Gorneesh

    Last Book You Read?

    Thanks for the Tips, most of it will be wild camping, Bivi bag and the great out doors, who needs a tent? I will book myself a hotel or B&B as a treat at the end of the walk. still need to look into it a bit more.
  17. Gorneesh

    Childhood non-SW toys you managed to keep

    I still have a fair few items of childhood toys, other than a few Star Wars bits I've got My Graham Farish n gauge train set All my Lego sets, mostly space and castle series Scalextrix Some Zoids All the toy cars And my favourite is my Tamiya Midnight Pumpkin R/C car I built with my dad...
  18. Gorneesh

    What a house!!!

    That looks AMAZING!! having spent some time over on a well known statue collecting forum I can well believe that, that is someones house, some of the money them guys spend is something else. But then if I had the money I would do something like that.
  19. Gorneesh

    Last Book You Read?

    To be honest its the first one of his I have read, its alright and I like the story line it's just that I'm not into it a 100% if your with me, but I will read some more of his stuff at some point. I have heard that fight club is his best work
  20. Gorneesh

    Very first Star Wars figure?

    I would imagine so, as we would have visited a shop that sold Office Supplies.
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