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  1. vadersman

    The Kessel Run

    "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?…It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs." A new group for Star Wars memorabilia collectors. Please feel free to post photos of your collection including toys, replicas, screen used props, figures and models...
  2. vadersman

    Hardest autograph

    I have most of the main cast autographs now. I would say people like Alec Guinness, Mark Hamill and even George Lucas are probably some of the hardest and more expensive ones. People like Dave Prowse and Warwick Davis are easy and cheaper to get. In fact my Dave Prowse, Warwick Davis and...
  3. vadersman

    my prop work from over the years

    You're a very talented guy, I loved your photos. You can do me a C3-PO head anytime :D
  4. vadersman

    My Anthony Forrest Autograph

    I have many autographs, but for now, I will share this one
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