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  1. BatintheBelfry

    Repro Lumat Bow?

    Yeah thanks, Tank. Looks like it is a repro. The originals all seem to have a straighter string, whereas the repro one seems to bend outwards a bit more. Not sure if that's just a coincidence though.
  2. BatintheBelfry

    Repro Lumat Bow?

    Thanks for the input guys. The pic doesn't really show the colour very well - it's more of a dark brown than black. At least I definitely know it's not a Lumat bow.
  3. BatintheBelfry

    Repro Lumat Bow?

    Judging by the reference pic in the other thread, I'm guessing this is a repro bow. Thought I'd get some opinions/confirmation though: (Link to a larger version of the pic)
  4. BatintheBelfry

    Latest Acquisitions

    Fantastic new additions, Steve. 8)
  5. BatintheBelfry

    Looking to collate photos of Repro Weapons help needed

    Thanks for posting that pic of the bow, Gustie. Shall do a quick comparison later tonight. Hope you're doing ok, mate.
  6. BatintheBelfry

    Looking to collate photos of Repro Weapons help needed

    Nice idea, Jay. I have a few repro weapons which I'll take photos of for you if you like. Incidentally,does anyone have a comparison shot of a real and a fake Lumat bow? I have one, but am not too sure if it's the genuine article.
  7. BatintheBelfry

    Repro R5-D4 sticker?

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll try and post a couple of close up photos later today or tomorrow.
  8. BatintheBelfry

    Repro R5-D4 sticker?

    Hi guys, Recently started photographing my collection and wanted your opinions on this R5-D4 figure: To my untrained eye, the sticker looks a bit too clean to be original. What do others think? I can take more photos if that'd help, but...
  9. BatintheBelfry


    I've also bought a number of items from this seller on ebay and wouldn't hesitate to use him again.
  10. BatintheBelfry

    Jaymaasive619 MOC Collection 2009

    Very nice collection, Jay. Looking forward to seeing more.
  11. BatintheBelfry

    What are the best ways to photograph Acrylic cased MOC's?

    I made one up last weekend, but haven't got round to using it yet. Hopefully it'll give some good results and might convince me to take a few half-decent pics of my collection.
  12. BatintheBelfry

    What are the best ways to photograph Acrylic cased MOC's?

    This link might help you, Jay.
  13. BatintheBelfry


    That's a shame to hear, mate. Guess I'll have to find someone else to teach me about the wonderful world of variants and cheesecake-scented figures! :wink: Hopefully things get sorted quickly and that we'll keep seeing you round here.
  14. BatintheBelfry

    'Revenge' X Wing

    Fair enough, figured he meant walmart, but I could be mistaken. I'll just go back to sleep ;)
  15. BatintheBelfry

    'Revenge' X Wing

    Never heard of woolmart...
  16. BatintheBelfry

    'Revenge' X Wing

    Walmart own Asda over here.
  17. BatintheBelfry

    'Revenge' X Wing

    Who can say? Think our pal Phil has been "lighting a Bertby" so to speak :lol:
  18. BatintheBelfry

    Go check out the "watch out" section of RS

    What a greetin' faced wee bairn!! Get's caught doing something he shouldn't and can't handle the consequences. Even his last post on the original thread seemed to just end in a plug for his book (which I'll not be going anywhere near). And don't get me started on the whole putting something...
  19. BatintheBelfry

    Starwarsforum uk genuine Sellers / Buyers verification list

    I guess I should really verify the sellers I've dealt with (apologies to anyone I've missed): gustie, darth wensleydale, jaymassive619, roundster, spoons, jabbawokkie (not the other one!), lee, rangersjedi No probs recommending any of these guys. 8)
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