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  1. geordie

    Anyone rent in the UK? Can you help?

    Joe, it depends entirely on the location mate, i live in the north east ( i own my home ), my brother rents a nice 3 bed house on a nice estate where we both grew up and he pays £425 a month, for a 2-3 bedroom house @ £300 a month you aint gonna be in the best area...imho. maybe try some of...
  2. geordie

    Whitney Houston has Pased Away!

    kevin costner is reportedly devasted claiming "i dont kow what happened i only popped out for a piss"
  3. geordie


    mike bassett dave bassett or their cousin bertie it wont make a hap'eth of difference who takes over, leave pearce in charge for me
  4. geordie


    due to recent events an italian deserting a sinking ship does not come as too much of a suprise :D however no matter who takes over....redknapp...keegan....ferguson :o the end result will be the same, england are shite , too many pretty boys on more than a years wages every week. why would...
  5. geordie

    Theiving bastards

    Gary, the main reason im selling my collection is to fund parts for my bike, sickens me to hear storys like this. Hate to say it but it sounds lie the bike has been stolen to order if they went to that much trouble (over wall, flat bettery ) and if it has there is very little chance you will...
  6. geordie

    Starting My First Job on Monday!

    na mate its just summit the new lad sometimes has to do
  7. geordie

    Starting My First Job on Monday!

    good luck mate, if they send you for a long stand make sure you go and get it :lol:
  8. geordie

    X BOX Pal 50/60 Problem-can you guys help?

    Lee, im pretty sure thats the hertz setting that the xbox is trying to run on,. you can go into the xbox settings (rather than the tv) and change it, off the top of my head the xbox should??? automaticaly play on a low setting, then you can adjust to another one. try taking all the cables out...
  9. geordie

    My Artwork

    Chris, how do you do that, do you draw a pencil outine then colour it in? im shite at drawing unless its a cock and balls on a mates work log . i would love to do a big (ish) murial on my sons wall but am scared in case i make an arse of it. would love to do summt like that for him. quality...
  10. geordie

    Sick and twisted little game, you lot should like it

    dead pool, always good fun prince albert russel brand vernon kay
  11. geordie

    Geordie Star Wars - a lost classic

    its a classic mate, thought it was an urban myth till i tracked it down vi a torrent site several years ago, i actually burned a couple of copies then loaned them out and nevr got them back so if anyone has a one laying around id love another, below is the biggest shithole in the entire...
  12. geordie

    What do you all do for a living?

    full time pervert, spend hours hunting for the very best of smut oh the exercise for your knees , its the quad muscle that needs to be built up as it never gets worked except with a specific exercise and just wastes away, building it up will re-align the knee cap / cartlidge / grizzly bits and...
  13. geordie

    Buglar gets stabbed to death

    you are allowed to use "reasonable force", BUT this is a massive grey area with different courts and judges having different views on exactley what this is, my uncle was burgled yeras ago , he actually came downstairs for a drink and the ****er was in his fridge helping himself!!!!!! unluckily...
  14. geordie

    Buglar gets stabbed to death

    i would have dialled 998 straight away :D
  15. geordie


    sorry if this isnt allowed but ive seen yoda in a new light, wondered if it is anyone on here??
  16. geordie

    Buglar gets stabbed to death

    he cant have any complaints , if he had a job like the rest of us he would not have been killed, thieving **** its a pity his mates didnt meet the same fate
  17. geordie

    any one good with dogs

    Jabba, my pooch is 14 this nov and he didnt chill till he was 8 or 9, always trying to get out, in my last house he burrowed under the six foot fence as he realised he could not get over it, he shat all over the neighbours immacluate lawn which i pissed myself at but was well embarresed about...
  18. geordie

    Vintage consoles

    just bought another n64 console, star wars special edition, if anyone has any games lying around and there cheap drop me a pm there maybe a deal to be done Andy
  19. geordie

    That there Champions league final

    i think the reason some f the english players are going for mega bucks is because there is a ruling coming in pretty soon where you must have 5 or 6 ? homegrown players in your team, not sure if this will apply in europe first and then the domestic league but its coming and the big clubs know...
  20. geordie

    That there Champions league final

    i sometimes think that, playing for a team like them you could score 15--20 a season just standing at the back post :lol: i think they will be more interested in trying to get fabregas.... who is really class or even wiltshire who is a right little shithouse BUT he is going to be englands...
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