Recent content by Christian

  1. Christian

    My new favourite custom MOCs

    Careful Edd - Stan Solo will be copying those soon!
  2. Christian

    Changing Collecting/Fan Demographic

    Star Wars in every aspect is a growing brand and attracting new followers with every episode streamed or online mention or media headline. With regards to collecting there are IMHO many many different segments but from what i can tell and have experienced there are two main timelines: The...
  3. Christian


    Many thanks for all of the kind wishes guys - really very very much appreciated. Trying my hardest to rest up in order to be well enough for Celebration in a few weeks time. All the best, Christian.v2 (Non-Smoker; Teetotal; Dogwalker; Bored :sneaky:)
  4. Christian

    Happy Birthday Christian!

    .... how kind gents - how kind. Just about shaken off the hangover by now :P Stay well everyone and here's hoping next year the UK shows are back up and running. Cheers, Christian
  5. Christian

    GW Acrylic - New Products available NOW!

    That's very kind of you 2stripes - I must find the time to update the original post! Cheers, Christian
  6. Christian

    R5d4 sticker error or just faded?

    A blast from the past! The R5 was, in glorious hindsight, a faded sticker due to UV exposure. Still looks cool though!
  7. Christian

    GW Acrylic - New Products available NOW!

    Thanks mate - speak again soon.
  8. Christian

    GW Acrylic - New Products available NOW!

    Updated the first post.
  9. Christian

    Farthest From Pre-Orders - GW Acrylic

    Hello Everyone, If you're coming down to Fordingbridge next weekend and would like me to bring any cases etc for you please get in touch. PM/FB/Email etc etc Plenty of stock just in including some new products - please have a browse here: Many thanks and I look forward...
  10. Christian

    Propstore Auction - 26th Nov

    Anyone going to the auction?
  11. Christian

    Were B Wing vehicles shrink wrapped?

    Tie & Landspeeder were available in Germany shrinkwrapped and agreed anything else is non-factory.
  12. Christian

    Latest Acquisitions

    Oh wow - that's better than expected Rob! Wasn't it advertised as a reseal? Perfect for the focus.
  13. Christian

    Secret Santa 2018 The Big Reveal

    Very late to this party but I wanted to say a huge thank you to Santa who not only made a very generous donation to Save the Children as requested but also did so on Paypal's 'Double Charity Donation Day' so it was a fantastic £50 to Save the Children - AWESOME!!! (I have thanked Santa in...
  14. Christian

    Bossk ESB 31a back Kenner

    I'm pretty sure Jon is referring to a recent AFA 80 MOC 31A that went for $7000 but this was a typical example of a 'I gotta have it now' collector with deep pockets. Here's part of a conversation I had a few months back with a well known US MOC collector about this particular fig/cardback...
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